Editing Chains with RE Chain Editor - mhvuze/MonsterHunterRiseModding GitHub Wiki


RE Chain Editor is an addon for Blender that can import and create new chain files.

It features an easy to use interface as well as a preset system for saving and applying chain configurations.

Get it here:


This guide will cover usage of the editor as well as other useful info related to editing chains.

Terminology to Know

Chain Header - Root object that contains all other chain objects.

Chain Settings - Contains parameters that determine how chain groups should behave

Wind Settings - Contains parameters for wind effects on chain groups. For wind to take effect, the chain settings must be parented to the wind settings object.

Chain Node - A bone on an armature designated to be a chain bone.

Angle Limit Object - XYZ axis attached to chain nodes. Determines the direction the node can move in. Used in conjunction with the Angle Limit properties contained on the node.

Chain Group - Object that contains all chain nodes of a chain. It also defines how the nodes interact with colliders.

Chain Collision - Object attached to bones that chain nodes collide with. Can be a variety of shapes.

Chain Link - Object that links two chain groups to make them move together.

Creating a Chain File from Scratch

To create a chain file, you must first have an armature from a mesh file imported in Blender. Add the bones to be used as chain bones to the armature. There can only be one armature in a scene.


Once you have your chain bones on the armature, go into object mode. On the right side, there's a tab called "RE Chain". This contains all the buttons for creating new chain objects. Configuration options for chain objects can be found in the object tab of the property panel. You must be in object mode to configure chain objects.

Create the Chain Header

To get started, create a Chain Header. Most of the time, the default settings are fine so it does not need to be configured.

Create Chain / Wind Settings

After creating a chain Header, create a chain settings object. It will be parented to the header automatically. Apply a preset in the RE Chain menu or configure the chain settings the way you want it. If you want wind to affect the chain, create a wind settings object. Parent the chain settings to the wind settings object by holding shift and dragging it onto wind settings object. Configure as needed or apply a preset. You do not have to set the ID values for wind settings or chain settings. Conflicting IDs will be fixed upon export.

ApplyingChainSettingsPreset.png ParentingChainSettings.png

Creating Chains

CreatingChainFromBone.png After you've created at least a chain header and chain settings object, you can start assigning chains. Click the "Switch to Pose Mode" button. Select the start bone in the chain and select the "Chain From Bone" button. This will create a chain group and node structure automatically. Repeat this for each chain you want to have on the armature.

Adding Collisions


If you want to add collisions to the chain, select a bone, pick a shape and select "Collision From Bone". Sphere and Capsule are the most frequently used. For other shapes, the shape in the editor is not representative of how they'll act in game. Colliders from other chain files will not interact with other files.

Staying Organized


To help with organization, you can use the create "Bone Group From Chains Button" to group all chain bones on the armature. This will make them appear green and allow them to all be selected as a group. This is purely for visuals; it will not affect the chain file.

Attaching Chain Groups to Settings

After creating chain groups and collisions, switch back to Object Mode. Parent the chain groups to chain settings by holding shift and dragging the groups onto the settings object in the outline.


Setting Angle Limits


Lastly you'll want to configure angle limits on the nodes. This process involves lots of trial and error, as angle limits are not fully understood as of writing this. The angle limit direction is set for each node by rotating the XYZ axis "ANGLE_LIMIT" objects. Make sure "Angle Limit Radius" is not set to 0 on the chain node or the angle limit will have no effect. Generally the X axis of the angle limit should be facing in either the same direction or the opposite direction as the tail of the bone.

Chain Hierarchy / Exporting

Export the file by going to File > Export > RE Chain

Chain objects must be parented in a certain hierarchy or you will not be able export the file.

Everything gets parented to header automatically, so the only objects you have to parent are the chain settings and chain groups.

The error messages will tell you exactly what's wrong with the chain structure.

You can view the errors by going to Window > Toggle System Console.

Refer to the image below for how the file should look.


Frequently Used Chain Settings

Gravity (Chain Settings) - Can be tweaked to achieve a wide variety of effects

Damping (Chain Settings) - Reduces movement of chains

Spring Force (Chain Settings) - The amount of force the chain will spring back to the resting position with

Coefficient of Elasticity (Chain Settings) - Bounciness of Spring force

Attribute Flags (Chain Group) - Sets how chain groups interact with colliders and each other.

Angle Limit Radius (Chain Node) - Set on each chain node. Determines how much the node can deviate from it's start position.

Angle Limit Mode (Chain Node) - Set on chain nodes. Determines how the angle Limit is applied to the node.

  • Limit Cone - Default setting. The node can rotate within a specified radius of a cone.
  • Limit Oval - Same as cone but compressed on Z Axis
  • Limit Elliptic - Same as cone but compressed on Y Axis
  • Limit Hinge - Node is constrained to move on the Z axis only

Real Time Chain Settings Editing

Chain settings can be edited in game using Enhanced Model Viewer. This is very useful for fine tuning chain settings.



To edit chains in real time, open the RE Framework menu with Insert. Navigate to Script Generated UI > Collection. Click "Scan All". This should give a list of game objects. Look under the children section of the player object and find the object with the chain you're editing. In the Object section of the object, there will be an entry named "via.motion.Chain". Open it and expand the chain Group section. Then pick a group and enable custom settings. You can now edit the chain settings and see it's effect in real time. These changes are not permanent. Find suitable values and copy them into the editor. Do not close the custom settings window or change areas. If you do, the settings will reset back to default. Note that using EMV to edit chains can interfere with reloading chain files. You may have to restart the game for chain files to be able to reload.

Real Time Collision Editing

Chain collision object settings can be edited in game using the Chain Viewer under Developer Tools in RE Framework.

This is useful for tweaking collisions to behave more nicely.


The radius and position can be changed to see how they behave. Once suitable values are found, copy them into the editor. "Offset" is named "Collision Offset" in the editor, "Pair Offset" is "End Collision Offset".

Creating Presets


Presets can be creating by selecting a chain object and pressing the "Save Selected As Preset" button. Presets are saved to the folder where the editor is installed. They can be shared freely, just be sure to keep the preset folder structure if you distribute them so that they don't get installed to the wrong place.