Workflow - mhirano/islay GitHub Wiki

Tricks behind islay

TODO: Write code structure and design pattern.

Experiments with islay



For each application launch, a result directory is automatically created under result/ directory (by default) identified by execution date. You can modify the location of the result directory by CMake.

For example, if you run the program at 00:11:22 on January 2nd, 2020, a result directory named 20200102-001122 will be generated under result/.

└── result - Parent directory of results
    └── 20200101-001122 – Result for each experiment

All the results should be saved on the result directory.

Resource management

All the resources for experiments are stored in res directory by default. In the case that you want to use external drive for BLOB, you can modify the location of the resource directory by CMake.

cmake -DOpenCV_DIR=/Users/mhirano/opencv-4.3.0/build -DRESOURCE_DIRECTORY=/path_to_the_resource_directory ..

Directory structure

├── 3rdparty                    # 3rdparty libraries that islay depends
├── cmake                       # FindXYZ.cmake
├── config                      # Config for experiments
│   └──  # Default config file
├── font                        # Font for Japanese
├── include                     # header files
├── res                         # Resources
├── result                      # Parent directory of results
│   └── 20200101-001122         # Result for each experiment
│       └── config.json         # Config for the experiment
└── src                         # source files