Releasing Policy - mhiramat/mincs GitHub Wiki

Release Policy

MINCS had no plan to release. But without stabilizing the release, it is hard to use for users. So at least I should clarify how to release it.

MINCS Stabilizing Policy

Release must pass all tests. Unless the tests covers enough cases, we can not look it stable. However, at least the current test set passes, we can release it as unstable release.

MINCS Release Branching Policy

So, MINCS should have 2 kinds of branches, one is master, and one is stable.

master branch should be unstable and development branch. It sometimes doesn't pass some tests.

stable branches must be stable, this means all the test must be passed, and has enough test cases. It will not have new features, but backport bugfixes (including test cases related to the bugfix).

MINCS Release Tagging Policy

master branch has version tags, which must be "dev-YYYYMMDD", and the tagged commit must pass all the test cases.

"stable" branch has version tags, which must be "vX.Y.Z", where X is major version, Y is minor version and Z is revision. In same major version, User interface should be compatible, and in same minor version, features are not added or deleted.