Exception Causes - mhightower83/Arduino-ESP8266-misc GitHub Wiki

Exception Causes (EXCCAUSE)

Common exceptions seen on the ESP8266

EXCCAUSE Code Cause Name Cause Description Required Option2 EXCVADDR Loaded
0 IllegalInstructionCause Illegal instruction Exception No
2 InstructionFetchErrorCause Processor internal physical address or data error during instruction fetch Exception Yes
3 LoadStoreErrorCause Processor internal physical address or data error during load or store Exception Yes
4 Level1InterruptCause Level-1 interrupt as indicated by set level-1 bits in the INTERRUPT register Interrupt No
61 IntegerDivideByZeroCause QUOS, QUOU, REMS, or REMU divisor operand is zero 32-bit Integer Divide No
9 LoadStoreAlignmentCause Load or store to an unaligned address Unaligned Exception Yes
20 InstFetchProhibitedCause An instruction fetch referenced a page mapped with an attribute that does not permit instruction fetch Region Protection or MMU Yes
28 LoadProhibitedCause A load referenced a page mapped with an attribute that does not permit loads Region Protection or MMU Yes
29 StoreProhibitedCause A store referenced a page mapped with an attribute that does not permit Region Protection or MMU Yes

1 No hardware support for this exception; however, the software-detected event is reported as "exccause 6" at Postmortem. After reboot, ESP.getResetInfo() will report the event as "exccause 0".

2 Identifies Xtensa config option for the silicon. The question that needs answering is which of these was included in the ESP8266 silicon?

Seldom or never seen

EXCCAUSE Code Cause Name Cause Description Required Option2 EXCVADDR Loaded
1 SyscallCause SYSCALL instruction Exception No
5 AllocaCause MOVSP instruction, if caller’s registers are not in the register file Windowed Register No
7 Reserved for Tensilica
8 PrivilegedCause Attempt to execute a privileged operation when CRING != 0 MMU No
10..11 Reserved for Tensilica
12 InstrPIFDateErrorCause PIF data error during instruction fetch Processor Interface Yes
13 LoadStorePIFDataErrorCause Synchronous PIF data error during LoadStore access Processor Interface Yes
14 InstrPIFAddrErrorCause PIF address error during instruction fetch Processor Interface Yes
15 LoadStorePIFAddrErrorCause Synchronous PIF address error during LoadStore access Processor Interface Yes
16 InstTLBMissCause Error during Instruction TLB refill MMU Yes
17 InstTLBMultiHitCause Multiple instruction TLB entries matched MMU Yes
18 InstFetchPrivilegeCause An instruction fetch referenced a virtual address at a ring level less than CRING MMU Yes
19 Reserved for Tensilica
21..23 Reserved for Tensilica
24 LoadStoreTLBMissCause Error during TLB refill for a load or store MMU Yes
25 LoadStoreTLBMultiHitCause Multiple TLB entries matched for a load or store MMU Yes
26 LoadStorePrivilegeCause A load or store referenced a virtual address at a ring level less than CRING MMU Yes
27 Reserved for Tensilica
30..31 Reserved for Tensilica
32..39 CoprocessornDisabled Coprocessor n instruction when cpn disabled. n varies 0..7 as the cause varies 32..39 Coprocessor No
40..63 Reserved

Info from Xtensa Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) Reference Manual

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