Configuring JDBC Objects - mhewedy/spwrap GitHub Wiki

JDBC API Objects (Connection, Statement and ResultSet) can be configured via JDBC API.

However spwrap exposes 2 of these Objects (Statement and ResultSet), it is more convenient to set these configurations from one easy-to-access single place.

These configurations include:

The configuration done via group on the stored procedure method in the DAO interface, Examples:

@Statement(queryTimeout = 1)
List<Customer> listCustomers();
@Statement(queryTimeout = 1)
@Connection(isolation = SERIALIZABLE)
List<Customer> listCustomers();
@Props(connection = @Connection(isolation = SERIALIZABLE),
       statement = @Statement(queryTimeout = 1))
List<Customer> listCustomers();
@ResultSet(fetchSize = 200)
List<Customer> listCustomers();
@Props(connection = @Connection(isolation = SERIALIZABLE),
       statement = @Statement(queryTimeout = 1),
       resultSet = @ResultSet(fetchSize = Integer.MIN_VALUE))
List<Customer> listCustomers();
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