Command Line Usage - mhevery/jasmine-node GitHub Wiki

Write the specifications for your code in *.js and *.coffee files in the spec/ directory (note: your specification files must end with either .spec.js or; otherwise jasmine-node won't find them!). You can use sub-directories to better organise your specs.

If you have installed the npm package globally, you can run it with:

jasmine-node spec/

If you aren't using npm, you should add pwd/lib to the $NODE_PATH environment variable, then run:

node lib/jasmine-node/cli.js


  • --autotest, provides automatic execution of specs after each change
  • --coffee, allow execution of .coffee specs
  • --color, indicates spec output should uses color to indicates passing (green) or failing (red) specs
  • --noColor, do not use color in the output
  • -m, --match REGEXP, match only specs comtaining "REGEXPspec"
  • --matchall, relax requirement of "spec" in spec file names
  • --verbose, verbose output as the specs are run
  • --junitreport, export tests results as junitreport xml format
  • --output FOLDER, defines the output folder for junitreport files
  • --teamcity, converts all console output to teamcity custom test runner commands. (Normally auto detected.)
  • --runWithRequireJs, loads all specs using requirejs instead of node's native require method
  • --requireJsSetup, file run before specs to include and configure RequireJS
  • --test-dir, the absolute root directory path where tests are located
  • --nohelpers, does not load helpers
  • --forceexit, force exit once tests complete
  • --captureExceptions, listen to global exceptions, report them and exit (interferes with Domains in NodeJs, so do not use if using Domains as well
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