Species Results - mgtools/MetaProD GitHub Wiki


The Species webpage includes species results for the entire project.

A filter at the top allows one to change between the Profile results, Full-Proteome results, or both.

The "Export TSV" link near the top allows one to download a TSV with the results (may take a while to generate).

Included information:

  • Proteome - Uniprot proteome for the species with a link to the Uniprot website.
  • Organism - Uniprot organism for the species with a link to the Uniprot website.
  • # Proteins - Number of protein identifications for the species with a link to the specific proteins for that project and species.
  • # Peptides - Number of peptide identifications for the species with a link to the specific peptides for that project and species.
  • # PSMs - Number of PSM identifications for the species with a link to the specific PSMs for that project and species.
  • NSAF - sum of the protein NSAF for that species