File Summary Results - mgtools/MetaProD GitHub Wiki


The File Summary Results page includes details about the species identifications for a specific file.

Filters at the top are available to change the Filename to another Filename for that project or change the type shown (either Profile step, Proteome step, or both). Hit "Apply Filter" to apply any filters.

The "Export TSV" link near the top allows one to download a TSV with the results (may take a while to generate).

Included information:

  • Proteome - Uniprot proteome for the species with a link to the Uniprot website
  • Organism - Uniprot species name for the species with a link to the Uniprot website
  • Proteins - a link to the protein identifications for that species and file
  • Peptides - a link to the peptide identifications for that species and file
  • PSMs - a link to the PSM identifications for that species and file
  • NSAF - sum of the total protein NSAF for that species