UI Design Document - mgsystemsllc/chss_prototype GitHub Wiki
CHSS prototype is targeted towards development of a cloud based system which supersedes the existing system with additional features and makes it more accessible to users over new age devices.
This document is intended to design a top level design of the UI for implementation by front end developer.
Front end web developer and usability tester are the primary audience of this document
The CHHS prototype being a user interactive solution follows a UCD process for its design. The UI design should be simple to use and provide the functionality expected by users of this system.
Summary 2016-05-30
- There should be a register page with text boxes to accept username and password from users to create their registration. The username should be an email id to reduce the effort of remembering different username.
- There should be a login page with text boxes to input username and password for login to system
- The login page should have a light background or an image which relates to the solutions theme
- The home page should give an overview of various news / activities related to children's welfare by the department or state/ federal government. Quick contacts and location of CDSS.
- An easily accessible menu for features of profile creation and update, a private mail box to view and send messages and ability to access information on nearest children's facilities
- The profile page should be a simple form and should pre-populate all fields with any existing data for ease of editing
- The private message page should show up message list by default
- The create message page should be simple with a subject and message data text box for posting
- The children's facilities page should automatically show up the nearest facilities with complete details based on the address added in profile page. The facility list should be shown in tabular format.