REST API Guide - mgsystemsllc/chss_prototype GitHub Wiki


CHSS prototype is targeted towards development of a cloud based system which supersedes the existing system with additional features and makes it more accessible to users over new age devices.


This document defines REST APIs, data set exchange format, authentication method and error codes required while establishing communication between client and server.


This API guide is intended for client side developers using RESTful interface to access the services available on server.


The Child Welfare Services prototype REST APIs covers the following features:

  • Account and User Profile Management
  • Message Management
  • HHS Data Management

Account and user profile management allows creation of parent login to the system and creation of a profile to avail of child welfare services. The various services currently available include sending / receiving message from a pre-configured email id and fetching of children’s residential facilities and foster agency details from the server to be displayed on application clients.

The REST APIs support only HTTPS mode.

User Management

Create Account


This API registers a user and creates a login for accessing the information related to Child Welfare Services rendered by CHHS. This API does not require any authentication to be used for creation of account.


POST https://server_uri/v1/users


Category Parameter Type Description
Uri - - -
Query String - - -
Request Body username String Valid email id of user
password String Password string
  • Header

      Content-Type: application/json
      Authorization: None
  • Body

       "json": {
               "username": "EMAIL-ID",
               "password": "PASSWORD"


Category Parameter Type Description
Response Body result String Message string provides success or error

Login to Account


This API is used to login to a registered account and access the Child Welfare Services details.


PUT https://server_uri/v1/users


Category Parameter Type Description
Uri - - -
Query String - - -
Request Body - - -
  • Header

      Content-Type: application/json
      Authorization: Basic


Category Parameter Type Description
Response Body result String Message string provides success or error

Create Profile


This API creates a profile of the parent who requires availing child welfare facilities.


POST https://server_uri/v1/users/profiles


Category Parameter Type Description
Uri - - -
Query String - - -
Request Body first_name String User first name
last_name String User last name
gender String User gender: Male/Female
date_of_birth String Date in YYYY-MM-DD format
marital_status String Status: Married, Unmarried, Divorced
occupation String Nature of work
mobile_number String Phone number
spouse_first_name String Spouse first name
spouse_last_name String Spouse last name
spouse_gender String Spouse gender: Male/Female
spouse_date_of_birth String Date in YYYY-MM-DD format
spouse_occupation String Spouse nature of work
spouse_mobile_number String Spouse phone number
spouse_email String Spouse communication email
address_street String User's House / street address
address_locality String User's locality
address_state String User's state
address_country String User's country
address_zip String User's zip code
count Integer Count of children records
children Array Fixed literal for array
child_first_name String Child's first name
child_last_name String Child's last name
child_gender String Child's gender: Male/Female
child_date_of_birth String Date in YYYY-MM-DD
  • Header

      Content-Type: application/json
      Authorization: Basic
  • Body

       "json": {
               "first_name": "NAME",
               "last_name": "SURNAME",
      		 "gender": "MALE",
      		 "date_of_birth": "2016-05-26",
      		 "marital_status": "MARRIED",
      		 "occupation": "SERVICE",
      		 "mobile_number": "14082044200",
      		 "spouse_first_name": "NAME",
      		 "spouse_last_name": "SURNAME",
      		 "spouse_gender": "FEMALE",
      		 "spouse_date_of_birth": "2016-05-27",
      		 "spouse_occupation": "SERVICE",
      		 "spouse_mobile_number": "14082044201",
      		 "spouse_email": "[email protected]",
      		 "address_street": "ADDRESS",
      		 "address_locality": "ADDRESS",
      		 "address_state": "STATE",
      		 "address_country": "COUNTRY",
      		 "address_zip": "ZIPCODE",
      		 "count": 1,
      		 "children": [{
      		 "child_first_name": "NAME",
      		 "child_last_name": "SURNAME",
      		 "child_gender": "MALE",
      		 "child_date_of_birth": "2016-05-28"}],


Category Parameter Type Description
Response Body result String Message string provides success or error

Get Profile


This API fetches the profile details from the server.


GET https://server_uri/v1/users/profiles


Category Parameter Type Description
Uri - - -
Query String - - -
Request Body - - -
  • Header

      Content-Type: application/json
      Authorization: Basic


Category Parameter Type Description
Response Body result String Message string provides success or error
last_name String User last name
gender String User gender: Male/Female
date_of_birth String Date in YYYY-MM-DD format
marital_status String Status: Married, Unmarried, Divorced
occupation String Nature of work
mobile_number String Phone number
spouse_first_name String Spouse first name
spouse_last_name String Spouse last name
spouse_gender String Spouse gender: Male/Female
spouse_date_of_birth String Date in YYYY-MM-DD format
spouse_occupation String Spouse nature of work
spouse_mobile_number String Spouse phone number
spouse_email String Spouse communication email
address_street String User's House / street address
address_locality String User's locality
address_state String User's state
address_country String User's country
address_zip String User's zip code
count Integer Count of children records
children Array Fixed literal for array
child_first_name String Child's first name
child_last_name String Child's last name
child_gender String Child's gender: Male/Female
child_date_of_birth String Date in YYYY-MM-DD

Update Profile


This API updates a profile of the parent who requires availing child welfare facilities.


PUT https://server_uri/v1/users/profiles


Category Parameter Type Description
Uri - - -
Query String - - -
Request Body first_name String User first name
last_name String User last name
gender String User gender: Male/Female
date_of_birth String Date in YYYY-MM-DD format
marital_status String Status: Married, Unmarried, Divorced
occupation String Nature of work
mobile_number String Phone number
spouse_first_name String Spouse first name
spouse_last_name String Spouse last name
spouse_gender String Spouse gender: Male/Female
spouse_date_of_birth String Date in YYYY-MM-DD format
spouse_occupation String Spouse nature of work
spouse_mobile_number String Spouse phone number
spouse_email String Spouse communication email
address_street String User's House / street address
address_locality String User's locality
address_state String User's state
address_country String User's country
address_zip String User's zip code
count Integer Count of children records
children Array Fixed literal for array
child_first_name String Child's first name
child_last_name String Child's last name
child_gender String Child's gender: Male/Female
child_date_of_birth String Date in YYYY-MM-DD
  • Header

      Content-Type: application/json
      Authorization: Basic
  • Body

       "json": {
               "first_name": "NAME",
               "last_name": "SURNAME",
      		 "gender": "MALE",
      		 "date_of_birth": "2016-05-26",
      		 "marital_status": "MARRIED",
      		 "occupation": "SERVICE",
      		 "mobile_number": "14082044200",
      		 "spouse_first_name": "NAME",
      		 "spouse_last_name": "SURNAME",
      		 "spouse_gender": "FEMALE",
      		 "spouse_date_of_birth": "2016-05-27",
      		 "spouse_occupation": "SERVICE",
      		 "spouse_mobile_number": "14082044201",
      		 "spouse_email": "[email protected]",
      		 "address_street": "ADDRESS",
      		 "address_locality": "ADDRESS",
      		 "address_state": "STATE",
      		 "address_country": "COUNTRY",
      		 "address_zip": "ZIPCODE",
      		 "count": 1,
      		 "children": [{
      		 "child_first_name": "NAME",
      		 "child_last_name": "SURNAME",
      		 "child_gender": "MALE",
      		 "child_date_of_birth": "2016-05-28"}],


Category Parameter Type Description
Response Body result String Message string provides success or error

Message Management

Get Message List


This API fetches the message headers from the server.


GET https://server_uri/v1/messages/list?start=1&end=10


Category Parameter Type Description
Uri - - -
Query String start Integer Starting message Id
end Integer Ending message Id
Request Body - - -
  • Header

      Content-Type: application/json
      Authorization: Basic


Category Parameter Type Description
Response Body result String Message string provides success or error
count Integer Message count
messages Array Fixed literal for array
message_id String ID of message on server
message_header String Holds Time, From and Subject details

Get Message Details


This API fetches the complete message based on message id from server.


GET https://server_uri/v1/messages/:message_id


Category Parameter Type Description
Uri message_id String ID of message to be retrieved
Query String - - -
Request Body - - -
  • Header

      Content-Type: application/json
      Authorization: Basic


Category Parameter Type Description
Response Body result String Message string provides success or error
message_id String ID of message on server
message_body String Message data

Send Message


This API posts a message to server to be forwarded to service network.


POST https://server_uri/v1/messages/send


Category Parameter Type Description
Uri - - -
Query String - - -
Request Body subject String Message subject
message String Message body
  • Header

      Content-Type: application/json
      Authorization: Basic
  • Body

       "json": {
               "subject": "Message Subject",
               "message": "Message Body"


Category Parameter Type Description
Response Body result String Message string provides success or error

HHS Data Management

Get Children's Facility Details


This API fetches the children’s facilities and foster agency details from server.


GET https://server_uri/v1/facilities


Category Parameter Type Description
Uri - - -
Query String - - -
Request Body - - -
  • Header

      Content-Type: application/json
      Authorization: None


Category Parameter Type Description
Response Body result String Message string provides success or error
count Integer Count of records
facilities Array Fixed literal
facility_name String Name of facility
facility_type String Type of facility
facility_number String Facility number
facility_admin String Facility admin name
facility_phone String Facility phone number
facility_address String Facility address
facility_city String Facility city name
facility_state String Facility state name
facility_zip String Facility zip code


RESTAPI Response Format

Success Response

	  "json": {
		"result": "ok",
		"param1": "value1",
		"param2": "value2",
		"array": [
			"param3": "value3"
			"param4": "value4"

Error Response

	  "json": {
		"result": "error",
		"message": "message content"

HTTP Error Code

S.No. Error Response Code Error Message Description
1. 200 OK For Success
2. 201 Created For POST request success
3. 400 Bad Request Incorrect URL" or "Route is not exist"
4. 401 Unauthorized Invalid Credentials
5. 403 Forbidden Not authorized to perform requested operation
6. 412 Pre-condition Precondition failure where expected values are not coming with request
7. 500 Internal Server Error API call failed on application level