Kick Off Meeting Minutes 20160525 - mgsystemsllc/chss_prototype GitHub Wiki


  • Kick off the prototype development of CHSS RFI
  • Discuss the requirements and processes to be applied for CHSS RFI
  • Decide team member roles
  • Identify list of initial tasks to be executed


  • Chair: PG
  • JA, RA, PB, AA, AG, MJ

Review of CHHS RFI

  • Attachment A requires creation of ADPQ vendor profile
  • Attachment B requires creation of a working prototype application. The key features are:
    • Use of Agile software development lifecycle and user centered design throughout
    • Use of 5 latest technologies with open license
    • Incorporate user feedback at each step of the delivery for acceptability of the product
    • Hosting application on cloud platform
    • Application should be compatible to work on various category of devices such as desktops, laptops and mobiles
    • Using an automated system for testing, configuration, release and deployment
  • Attachment C requires the resource pool to be selected from the listed profiles in RFI
  • Attachment D is not valid for us as we already have the contract in place
  • Attachment E requires no immediate action

Team Composition

Based on RFI requirements and top level understanding of prototype application requirements, the following team roles are identified as per Attachment C.

  • Product Manager - PG
  • Technical Architect - PB
  • Delivery Manager - MJ
  • DevOps Engineer - AG
  • Front End Web Developer - RA
  • Back End Web Developer - JA
  • Usability Tester - AA

Initial Tasks

  • Create a github account and add collaborators
  • Create github wiki for project overview and meeting minutes - PG
  • Identify tools and technology required (ETA: 2016-05-27)
    • Core technologies - PB
    • Automation testing tools - RA, JA
    • CI tools - AG
    • Code quality tools - AA
    • Cloud platform - MJ