Database Design - mgsystemsllc/chss_prototype GitHub Wiki
CHSS prototype is targeted towards development of a cloud based system which supersedes the existing system with additional features and makes it more accessible to users over new age devices.
This document defines the tables and their elements which are required in CHSS prototype.
This API guide is intended for server side developers developing code behind REST API's
The Child Welfare Services prototype REST APIs covers the following features:
- Account and User Profile Management
- Message Management
- HHS Data Management
The CHSS prototype requires storage of user profile data on server for account and user profile management. The following tables are required:
- Users
- Users_data
- Address
- Child_data
- Message_data
Table users
Member Name | Type | Description |
UID | Integer | Auto Generate, Primary Key, Unique |
username | Text | username from user |
password | Text | password from user |
Table users_data
Member Name | Type | Description |
UID | Integer | Foreign Key, Unique |
first_name | Text | First Name of user |
last_name | Text | Surname of user |
gender | Text | Gender (Male/Female) |
date_of_birth | Text | Date in YYYY-MM-DD format |
marital_status | Text | Options (Married/Unmarried/Divorced |
occupation | Text | Type of occupation |
mobile_number | Text | Contact number of user |
spouse_first_name | Text | First name of spouse |
spouse_last_name | Text | Surname of spouse |
spouse_gender | Text | Gender (Male/Female) |
spouse_occupation | Text | Type of occupation |
spouse_mobile_number | Text | Contact number of spouse |
spouse_date_of_birth | Text | Date in YYYY-MM-DD format |
spouse_email_id | Text | Email Address of spouse |
Table address
Member Name | Type | Description |
UID | Integer | Foreign Key, Unique |
street | Text | House number and street address |
locality | Text | Locality address |
state | Text | State address |
country | Text | Country address |
zipcode | Integer | Zip code of address |
Table child_data
Member Name | Type | Description |
UID | Integer | Foreign Key, Unique |
first_name | Text | First name of child |
last_name | Text | Surname of child |
gender | Text | Gender (Male/Female) |
date_of_birth | Text | Date in YYYY-MM-DD format |
Table message_data
Member Name | Type | Description |
UID | Integer | Foreign Key, Unique |
email_id | Text | Mail box ID |
password | Text | password for mail box |