Getting Started - mgm-tp/perfload GitHub Wiki

In order to get started quickly with perfLoad and to demonstrate how everything works together, a demo setup is available that installs a complete perfLoad environment including all components together with a reference application on your local machine.

It includes a sample load test driver and several sample testplans which you may run and study in order to get familiar with perfLoad.


  • Make sure JAVA_HOME is set to Java 7 (JDK or JRE).
  • Download (link will follow once published) the demo installer and unzip it to some directory of your choice. You will find there a directory named demo-installer.
  • Open a command prompt in this directory and run DemoInstaller.cmd or ./DemoInstaller, depending on your operating system. The installer will then download and configure all components. You will be prompted for the demo installation directory. You may accept the default or enter a directory of you choice.
demo-installer> DemoInstaller.cmd

        *                                                                 *
        *                                                                 *
        *           Welcome to perfLoad's Demo Installer 1.0.0            *
        *             (c) 2013, mgm technology partners GmbH              *
        *                                                                 *
        *                                                                 *

 > Enter installation directory [../perfload-demo]:

Running Sample Load Tests

  • Open a command prompt in the directory supervisor in the directory where the demo was installed.
  • Execute runLoadTest.cmd or ./runLoadTest.
  • You will be prompted for a testplan to run:
perfload-demo\supervisor> runLoadTest.cmd

        *                                                                 *
        *                                                                 *
        *             Welcome to perfLoad's Supervisor 1.9.0              *
        *             (c) 2013, mgm technology partners GmbH              *
        *                                                                 *
        *                                                                 *

No tentant specified. Running in single-tenancy mode.

Please select the testplan you'd like to use:
  1) testplan_browse_error.xml
  2) testplan_browse_garbage.xml
  3) testplan_CPUload.xml
  4) testplan_garbage.xml
  5) testplan_long.xml
  6) testplan_persistent_garbage.xml
  7) testplan_short.xml
  • You may execute any of these testplans. For a start, we'd recommand to select testplan_short. It runs about ten minutes.

That's it! Supervisor takes care of everything including startup and shutdown of the reference application.

Examining the Test Results

After successfully completing the test, perfAlyzer is launched creating a report, which is stored under perfalyzer\output\<testplan>\<timestamp>\05_report\report.html.

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️