Skills - mganzarcik/fabulae GitHub Wiki

A skill is considered learned if it has at least one level. Different races know some skills inherently (they start the game with one level in the skill already); others might be learned during character creation. A player character can only reach a rank of 5 (configurable) for each skill via normal leveling up. In order to have a skill with a rank higher than that, he either has to use magic (spells or items), or a perk.

When performing a skill check, the there is always a at least a 1% chance to fail, regardless of the skill level.

Skill ranks


Armor skill penalties are defined fully in the module configuration. The worn armor class (light, medium, hard) is calculated from the the weight of all currently worn armor, when compared to the maximum encumbrance allowed for the character (defined by her race). The ratios for the armor classes are in turn again defined in the module configuration.

				<armorSkill value="0">
						<modifier dodgeParryMultiplier="0.25" />
				<armorSkill value="1">
						<modifier dodgeParryMultiplier="0.5" />
				<armorSkill value="0">
						<modifier apCostToAttack="1" />
						<modifier damageMultiplier="0.75" />
						<modifier dodgeParryMultiplier="0.25" />
				<armorSkill value="1">
						<modifier apCostToAttack="1" />
						<modifier dodgeParryMultiplier="0.25" />
				<armorSkill value="2">
						<modifier dodgeParryMultiplier="0.25" />
				<armorSkill value="3">
						<modifier dodgeParryMultiplier="0.5" />
				<armorSkill value="4">
						<modifier dodgeParryMultiplier="0.75" />
				<armorSkill value="0">
						<modifier apCostToAttack="2" />
						<modifier damageMultiplier="0.5" />
						<modifier dodgeParryMultiplier="0.15" />
				<armorSkill value="1">
						<modifier apCostToAttack="2" />
						<modifier damageMultiplier="0.5" />
						<modifier dodgeParryMultiplier="0.25" />
				<armorSkill value="2">
						<modifier apCostToAttack="2" />
						<modifier damageMultiplier="0.75" />
						<modifier dodgeParryMultiplier="0.25" />
				<armorSkill value="3">
						<modifier apCostToAttack="2" />
						<modifier dodgeParryMultiplier="0.5" />
				<armorSkill value="4">
						<modifier apCostToAttack="1" />
						<modifier dodgeParryMultiplier="0.25" />
				<armorSkill value="5">
						<modifier dodgeParryMultiplier="0.5" />

Weapon skills (Sword, Dagger, Axe, Staff, Bow, Thrown)

Every level increases Chance to Dodge or Parry by 5%, Chance to Hit by 5% and weapon damage by 1 for the given weapon type.

  1. Cost to attack -1
  2. Cost to attack -1

Note: the ability to use a weapon is determined by both the unmodified skill level and the modified one, whichever one is higher.


Damage dealt by unarmed attacks is a random number between 1 + unarmedRank / 2 and unarmedRank. Every level increases Chance to Dodge or Parry by 5% if unarmed and defending against unarmed attacks as well and Chance to Hit by 7.5%. Additionally, unarmed attacks against armed opponents halve the Chance to Dodge or Parry of the opponent.

  1. Cost to attack -1
  2. Cost to attack -1
  3. Cost to attack -1

Dual Wielding

Every level of dual wielding decreases the penalties for wielding two weapons. Weapons wielded in both hands by characters not proficient in this skill both suffer a -4 penalty to their weapon skill when determining CtH.

  1. Can dual wield with -2 / -4 penalties to weapon skill when determining CtH
  2. Reduces penalties to -1 / -2
  3. Reduces penalties to -1 / -1
  4. Reduces penalties to 0 / -1
  5. Reduces penalties to 0 / 0


Every level increases Chance to Dodge or Parry by 5%.


Chance to succeed: (16 * SL) + terrain modifier


Chance to succeed: (16 * SL) + terrain modifier


Chance to catch: (16 * SL) + terrain modifier

Amount of rations found: random(floor(SL / 2) + SL * 2)


Chance to avoid hostile encounter: (16 * SL) + (2 + scout level - enemy group average level) * 10 Need to have at least one level in order to use.

Chance to find water: (16 * SL) + terrain modifier


Chance to stay undetected: (16 * SL) + terrain modifier

Sneaking speed: base_sneak_speed + (normal_speed – base_sneak_speed) / 5) * SL

Schools of Magic (Somatic, Acoustic, Mind, Focus)

Magic skills do not have any hard coded effects. They can be referred to in the individual spells to define the skill requirements to learn and use the spells and also to modify how effective the spells are. For example, a fireball can deal more damage with each rank in Acoustics.


Chance to succeed: (16 * SL) + faction disposition modifier

Item sell price multiplier: base sell multiplier + 5% * PC SL - 5%* Merchant SL

Item buy price multiplier: base buy multiplier - 5% PC SL + 5% * Merchant SL

The base multipliers themselves are defined by the relationship of the merchant's faction to the player's faction.


Can detect traps of level SL + 1. Can disarm traps of the SL level.

Detecting walk speed: base sneak speed + (normal speed – base sneak speed) / 5) * SL

If both sneaking and detecting, the slower speed is the one used.

Lock picking

Can open locks of the corresponding level.

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