Factions - mganzarcik/fabulae GitHub Wiki

Factions represent groups of characters with roughly the same ideology and worldview. Factions contain characters.

Each faction carries the following information with itself:

  1. a list of members
  2. disposition towards the player character group on a scale of -100 to 100
  3. disposition towards other factions (if not defined, considered 0)

Locations and items can be defined as faction-owned, which has an impact on crime propagation and safety of the area.

Faction disposition

100 – the player is loved by the faction members. All persuasion checks are passed automatically; items are sold at the base price of 100% and purchased at 50%.

75 - the player is admired by the faction members. 30% bonus to persuasion checks. All items are sold at the base price of 110% and purchased at 40%.

50 - the player is liked by the faction members. 15% bonus to persuasion checks. All items are sold at the base price of 115% and purchased at 35%.

25 – the player is known by the faction members. All items are sold at the base price of 120% and purchased at 30%.

0 – neutral. The player is not known and no opinion about him is formed by the faction members. All items are sold at the base price of 125% and purchased at 25%.

-25 – the player is suspicions to the faction members. -15% penalty to persuasion checks. All items are sold at the base price of 135% and purchased at 15%.

-50 – the player is disliked by the faction members. Cannot trade with faction members.

-75 – the player is reviled by the faction members.

-100 – all faction members hostile to the player at all times.


