Queue - mfichman/jogo GitHub Wiki
Implementation of an array-based FIFO queue (uses a circular buffer that resizes when the queue is full).
@init(capacity Int)
Creates a new queue with capacity for 'capacity' elements. The queue will resize beyond 'capacity' elements if necessary; the capacity is just a hint to the implementation.
Releases memory used by the queue.
enq(element :a)
Adds an element at the end of the queue.
deq() :a
Removes and returns the element at the head of the queue.
first?() :a
Returns the first element in the queue.
last?() :a
Returns the last element in the queue.
empty?() Bool
Returns true if the queue is empty.
iter() QueueIter[:a]
count?() Int
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capacity?() Int
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front?() Int
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back?() Int
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