Io::Buffer - mfichman/jogo GitHub Wiki

Container for a static array of bytes. This class is implemented using the 'C struct hack', so allocating a buffer of a certain size will allocate a contiguous block of memory for this object. As such, the actual runtime size of this object depends on the capacity value passed to the constructor.

@init(size Int)

Creates a new buffer with capacity for 'size' bytes.

@insert(index Int, byte Byte)

Sets the byte at 'index' to 'byte'.

@index(index Int) Byte

Returns the byte at 'index'.

begin=(value Int)

Sets the index of the first byte stored in this buffer. Note that this does not change the capacity. Setting this value to a number greater than the capacity or 'end' results in 'begin' being set to the minimum of those two values.

end=(value Int)

Sets the index following the last byte stored in this buffer.


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capacity?() Int

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begin?() Int

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end?() Int

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