RIF CS1.4_OAI PMH - mfallu/Griffith_eResearch_Tools_Documentation GitHub Wiki
RIF-CS1.4 compliant feeds.
The Griffith University Research-Hub (http://research-hub.griffith.edu.au) has a RIF-CS 1.4 compliant OAI-PMH endpoint (http://research-hub.griffith.edu.au/oai?verb=ListRecords&metadataPrefix=rif)
The core metadata repository functionality of the the Research-Hub is provided by the VIVO tool (http://vivoweb.org/). The OAI-PMH endpoint is provided using the MOAI tool (http://moai.infrae.com/)
For more details on the loosely coupled architecture of the Research-Hub, see …. for more detail.
Griffith University eResearch services have found MOAI to be a powerful and flexible platform for providing OAI endpoints. MOAI is a standalone system, so it can be used in combination with any repository software.
MOAI is designed to work as a pipe, where the OAI data can be reconfigured, cached, and enriched while it passes through the MOAI processing.
This documentation details how to install, and configure MOAI to harvest data from a VIVO installation.
The Research-Hub data flow can be conceptualised as:
1)Ingest Data 2)Map to RDF 3)Load data into VIVO 4)Query VIVO 5)Map to RIF-CS
While this documentation is targeted at users of the VIVO tool, the RIF-CS compliant OAI-PMH implementation could be used more widely with minimal customisation. Specifically steps 4 and 5 above are performed within the MOAI product. Step 5 is repository independent, and replacing/modifying step 4 would allow this tool to be used with any metadata solution, eg. fedora, dspace, redbox etc.
Installing MOAI:
Griffith uses the latest 2.0 branch of MOAI. You can find this at: https://bitbucket.org/infrae/moai (This is a mercurial repository - for more details on downloading and installing mercurial see http://mercurial.selenic.com/)
hg clone https://bitbucket.org/infrae/moai
If you ARE NOT using a VIVO based solution you can use the default installation instructions to get MOAI installed: https://bitbucket.org/infrae/moai/src/d31684a532717743b6e1afb798df7f54fd77716e/README.txt?at=default
If you are using a VIVO based metadata store as Griffith does, then the griffith "buildout" based install may be useful: https://github.com/gu-eresearch/VIVO_moai
This is a Git repository, to clone this repo: git clone https://github.com/gu-eresearch/VIVO_moai.git
Detailed buildout instructions are provided at: https://github.com/gu-eresearch/VIVO_moai/blob/master/README.txt
To quickly get started you can:
cd into VIVO_moai
cp buildout.cfg.example buildout.cfg
python bootstrap.py -d
This will install a copy of MOAI configured to interoperate with a VIVO based solution to produce RIF-CS output
Please read the Readme.txt for more detailed instruction.
For more general details about using buildout - please see: http://www.buildout.org/
If you are not using the buildout approach detailed above and are instead using the default MOAI installation instructions here: https://bitbucket.org/infrae/moai/src/d31684a532717743b6e1afb798df7f54fd77716e/README.txt?at=default
Then you will need to configure your MOAI install to query your metadata store and format the information in RIF-CS compliant fashion.
The VIVO compliant query is available at: https://github.com/gu-eresearch/moai/tree/master/query
The RIF-CS 1.4 compliant formatting for MOAI is available at: https://github.com/gu-eresearch/moai/tree/master/rifcs_formatting
Include these in an extensions folder within the MOAI directory as described here: http://moai.infrae.com/extending.html
At griffith we use a folder named "src"
After running the query you will be able to view an OAI feed eg. http://research-hub.griffith.edu.au/oai?verb=Identify