DW_Graph_Algo - meytar14/ex2 GitHub Wiki



DW_Graph_Algo()- constructor


copy()- return a deep copy of this graph.

getGraph()- return this graph.

init​(directed_weighted_graph g)- initializing this "g" to this graph.

isConnected()- return true if this graph is connected, else return false.

load​(java.lang.String file) - load this graph into this "g".

save​(java.lang.String file)- Saves this weighted (directed) graph to the given file name - in JSON format.

shortestPath​(int src, int dest)- returns the the shortest path between src to dest - as an ordered List of nodes.

shortestPathDist​(int src, int dest)- returns the length of the shortest path between src to dest Note: if no such path --> returns -1