CL_Agent - meytar14/ex2 GitHub Wiki



CL_Agent​(directed_weighted_graph g, int start_node)- constructor


get_curr_fruit()- return the pokemon that the agent is chasing after.

getGame()- return the game_Service of the agent.

getID() - return the ID of the agent.

getLocation()- return the location of the agent.

getNextNode()- return the next node of the agent, return -1 if the agent is already on a node.

getSpeed()- return the speed of the agent

getSrcNode()- return the curr node of the agent

getValue()- return the value of the agent

isMoving()- return true if the agent is moving, else return false

set_ar​(Arena _ar)- set the Arena of the agent

set_curr_fruit​(CL_Pokemon curr_fruit)- set the pokemon that the agent is chasing after

set_id​(int _id)- set the id of the agent

setCurrNode​(int src)- set the current node of the agent

setGame​(game_service game)- set the game_Service of the agent

setGraph_algo​(DW_Graph_Algo graph_algo)- set the grap_Algo of the agent

setNextNode​(int dest)- set the next node of the agent

update​(java.lang.String json)- update all the data of the agent