white paper - meylon1/Raspberrypi GitHub Wiki



Overview (1-2 paragraphs) ---what we are doing

Abstract ---why we are doing it


History, uses, future of technology.





learn programming/the beginning

-Developed by Eber Upton




-Essentially Upton, working in CS at Cambridge, noticed that many students didn't know what a computer really was or how it works so he developed the Raspberry Pi as a cheap and easy way to help students understand computers better. He thought that with it's cheap price people would be able to mess around and mess up with it and it wouldn't be that big of a deal. There's really not a lot more to say on this. He had an idea then made it happen.

The history of the Hardware and release dates






-First gen released February 2012 (Raspberyy Pi 1 Model B), followed by Model A

-2014 Raspbery Pi 1 Model B+, with improved A+ and B+ later in the year

-Raspberry Pi Zero in April 2014

-Raspberry Pi 2 (added more RAM) in February 2015

-Raspberry Pi 3 Model B in February 2016 (latest model)

-Raspian OS. A Debian-based Linux OS (there are other 3rd party OS like Ubuntu MATE)

-In October 2012, the Raspberry Pi won T3's Innovation of the Year award http://www.t3.com/news/t3-gadget-awards-2012-award-winners


-Retropi-https://retropie.org.uk/ Emulator for older video game systems such as NES, SNES, Genesis, N64, Arcade games, GameBoy Advance

-openELEC- http://openelec.tv/ Media Center to play video files, browse pictures, record TV Broadcast, Music Player

-arcadepi- http://www.retrobuiltgames.com/the-build-page/porta-pi-arcade-kit/ Emulator but put into an arcade cabinet (can actually be a part of retropi)

-programming- https://www.raspberrypi.org/resources/learn/ The original purpose of Raspberrypi

-emulating old desktop OS- http://lifehacker.com/five-retro-operating-systems-you-can-run-on-the-raspber-1618224502 Running older OS such as MS-DOS, ZX Spectrum, Commodore 64,Macintosh Plus

-minecraft (and learn python)-https://www.raspberrypi.org/learning/getting-started-with-minecraft-pi/ It is basically the popular game Minecraft but one would have to use Python to build and control instead of traditional ways.

Future of technology

I'm researching a little bit and posting the Raspberry Pi capabilities for the future. I'm just quickly going through it, so if you can go over these a little more thoroughly and just give me a recap of things. The quote that I provided below is from the site that follows it. It isn't a paper about Raspberry Pi, but one on observational data of the environment and earth by crowdsourcing. I think these kinds of things can be implemented in the future category because its the possibilities of Raspberry Pi and what it can be used for.



"At the same time, technically proficient citizens and hobbyists can use their development skills (using DIY kits such as Arduino [21], Raspberry Pi [22] or software analysis frameworks (Tableau [23] and Qlikview [24] provide excellent visual means for users to get an insight on their datasets)) in creating tools and solutions to sense their environments, analyse large scale data and so on." http://www.mdpi.com/2072-4292/9/1/87/htm

http://www.ijimai.org/journal/sites/default/files/files/2016/08/ijimai20174_3_1_pdf_15525.pdf This paper talks about smart objects, sensors, and actuators. We don't actually need to go in depth into this paper, but the Raspberry Pi's capabilities are used, so we can make educated guesses of where this technology can go based off how they are used here.

-There's really not a lot about the future besides the Raspberry Pi getting better and faster while staying cheap. I believe people are going to keep coming up with things to do with the Pi but it doesn't really effect the tech that much. I'll have to do some more digging on this.

Future of tech.

Parallel computing https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parallel_computing http://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-Make-a-Raspberry-Pi-SuperComputer/

By linking together many raspberry pis you can create parallel computing to form a cluster “super computer” (this term is used lightly because it is in fact not a super computer but will be super compared to one Pi). It is helpful because it can take one large problem and break it down to many smaller ones and can be redundant, much like RAID in hard drives, meaning if one Pi goes out it can be replaced. It can be used to compile large amounts of code, cracking encryption, simulation and other things.

Live Streaming on such things as drones. Typically videos from drones are recorded and then uploaded to the internet however this project offers live streaming with no prior hardware of software experience. This can allow live footage from almost anywhere to be seen by almost anyone. https://hackaday.io/project/18860-youtube-drone-with-raspberry-pi-and-4glte-conn

A decentralized internet that cannot be shut down by “middle men” to prevent censorship. Each part of the “internet” would be stored on a Pi and would require permissions to access. It would be an advantage over the regular internet because instead of communicating through something like Facebook (where Facebook owns the servers the messages are stored on) all the info would be stored on each individuals Pi and they would essentially be accessing each other’s. http://observer.com/2016/09/a-second-internet-coming-soon-courtesy-of-the-blockchain/


References (bibliography)

The document is a “user interface” to help people who will be reading it.

Your audience is someone with a decent understanding of how computers work, who has heard about your topic before but doesn't understand it in depth. Professional. No slang, only proper English. No opinions unless they are clearly called out as opinions of the author with supportive information provided. English term paper standards(No "I" or "you"). Clear sentences with information backing it up.


Weird format or no format

Too much info

Obscure language and sweeping generalizations

Bad documentation towards audience

Out of date, does not map

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