settings.xml - metzzo/123-basic GitHub Wiki


This file located at tells the compiler what to do with the compiled code, so any target specific stuff.


This is the root node which contains multiple <target> tags.


The <header> tag adds a header to the compiled source. This is a file that is included to the beginning of every 123basic project.


The <target> tag introduces a new target to the compiler. This tag may contain <template>, <lib>, <extension>, <file> or <action> tags.


  • name attribute is the internal name of that target. With this parameter the compiler knows which target it has to compile when it is launched
  • lang attrribute specifies the backend that is used when compiling. Currently there is only JS fully working (cs for C# and vm for the virtual machine do not fully support the language)


The <template> tag is the "exe" file which will be run when finished. $GFX_WIDTH and $GFX_HEIGHT is replaced with the respective set width and height in the configuration file.


  • path specifies the path to the template, base path is
  • name The name of the created file in the compiled project
  • mode Depending on the current compilation mode (console mode/2d mode/3d mode) different templates may be used. Only if the current mode is in this attribute included it is active.


The <lib> tag embeds a new library into the source code (which may be a js file or cs file or whatever, it is simply put into the resulting file).


  • path specifies the path to the library, base path is the path of the current compiled project.
  • mode Depending on the current compilation mode (console mode/2d mode/3d mode) different libraries may be used. Only if the current mode is in this attribute included it is active.


The <extension> tag specified what should happen with certain file extensions in the project. Some files need to be converted into a certain file format, others ignored


  • name Specifies which extension this rule should apply to.
  • action Specifies what should be done. Possible values are: ignore (ignores the file), warning (emits a compiler warning stating that this file extension is not supported), mp3 (converts this file to a mp3 file), ogg (converts this file to an ogg file)


The <file> tag specified what should happen with certain file names in the project. Some files need to be converted into a certain file format, others ignored


  • name Specifies which file this rule should apply to.
  • action Specifies what should be done. Possible values are: ignore (ignores the file), warning (emits a compiler warning stating that this file extension is not supported), mp3 (converts this file to a mp3 file), ogg (converts this file to an ogg file)


The <action> tag specifies what commands should be executed after compilation was successful. There are multiple possible action types:

  • embeddata Embeds all the necessary meta data into the meta data file (DIR_STRUCTURE)
  • appbeforelibs Insert all libraries into the generated file
  • optimize Optimizes code with a given optimizer (name), currently only closure for Google Closure is supported
  • save Saves the generated code into the target directory under name (base path is project directory)
  • insertfont inserts smalfont.png file into the project directory
  • run Runs a command in the command line
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