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Bar Options
# bar_height
The height of the bar in pixels.
Possible values: {20, number}
# bar_orientation
Determines whether to show a horizontal or vertical barplot.
Possible values: {'horizontal', 'vertical'}
# baseline_accessor
The data element to map the baseline component to.
Possible values: {null, string}
# binned
Determines whether the data is already binned.
Possible values: {true, false}
# dodge_accessor
The data element to map the dodge component to.
Possible values: {null, string}
# outer_padding_percentage
Possible values: {0.1, number}
# padding_percentage
Possible values: {0.1, number}
# predictor_accessor
The data element to map the predictor component to. Not available in v2.10.
Possible values: {null, string}
# predictor_proportion
Not available in v2.10.
Possible values: {5, number}
# truncate_x_labels
Possible values: {true, false}
# truncate_y_labels
Possible values: {true, false}
# rotate_x_labels
The number of degrees to rotate the x-axis' labels.
Possible values: {0, number}
# rotate_y_labels
The number of degrees to rotate the y-axis' labels.
Possible values: {0, number}