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Axes Options
# axes_not_compact
Determines whether to show compact or non-compact axes. Non-compact axes cover the length of the plot area (left) whereas compact axes cover the length of the auto-generated ticks (right). This option is available as of v2.7.
Possible values: {true, false}
# european_clock
Determines whether to show axis labels using a 24-hour clock, rather than AM/PM. This option is available as of v2.7.
Possible values: {false, true}
# inflator
A multiplier for inflating max_x and max_y.
Possible values: {10/9, number}
# max_x
The maximum x-value. By default, the value is inferred from the dataset.
Possible values: {null, number}
# max_y
The maximum y-value. By default, the value is inferred from the dataset.
Possible values: {null, number}
# min_x
The minimum x-value. By default, the value is inferred from the dataset.
Possible values: {null, number}
# min_y
The minimum y-value. By default, the value is inferred from the dataset, though if the minimum y-value greater than 0, it is set to 0.
Possible values: {null, number}
# min_y_from_data
If set, y-axis will start at the data's minimum value rather than at 0.
Possible values: {false, true}
# show_year_markers
Determines whether to show the year markers along the x-axis. Year markers are vertical lines that allow you to visually segment a time-series by year. Available as of v2.3.
Possible values: {false, true}
# show_years
Deprecatad as of v2.1. Please refer to show_secondary_x_label.
Determines whether to show the year on the x-axis below the first month of the year's label.
Possible values: {true, false}
# show_secondary_x_label
Determines whether to show the year, or another unit of time in the case of smaller series, on the x-axis below the x-axis labels.
Possible values: {true, false}
# small_text
Deprecatad as of v2.8. Coerces small text regardless of graphic size.
Possible values: {false, true}
# x_extended_ticks
Determines whether to extend the x-axis ticks across the chart.
Possible values: {false, true}
# x_axis
Determines whether to display the x-axis.
Possible values: {true, false}
# x_label
The label to show below the x-axis.
Possible values: {null, string}
# xax_count
The number of x-axis ticks. The actual number of ticks will be as close to the specified number as possible.
Possible values: {6, number}
# xax_format
A function that formats the x-axis' labels. By default, the x-axis is assumed to be a time-series and the labels are formatted by showing the full month name followed by the day.
// it returns function to format date objects
d3.time.format('%b %d')
For the full list of directives for formatting time, refer to this list. A custom function may be passed in.
# xax_start_at_min
Deprecatad as of v2.7. Please refer to axes_not_compact.
Determines whether to start the x-axis from the left-most edge rather than using the auto-generated set of ticks, which evenly cover the data's domain. Available as of v2.3.
Possible values: {false, true}
# xax_tick_length
The x-axis' tick length in pixels.
Possible values: {5, number}
# xax_units
A prefix symbol to be shown alongside the x axis' labels. Useful for currencies, for instance.
Possible values: {null, string}
# x_scale_type
The x-axis scale type. This option is available as of v2.9.
Possible values: {'linear', 'log'}
# y_axis
Determines whether to display the y-axis.
Possible values: {true, false}
# y_extended_ticks
Determines whether to extend the y-axis ticks across the chart.
Possible values: {false, true}
# y_label
The label to show beside the y-axis.
Possible values: {null, string}
# y_scale_type
The y-axis scale type.
Possible values: {'linear', 'log'}
# yax_count
The number of y-axis ticks. The actual number of ticks will be as close to the specified number as possible.
Possible values: {5, number}
# yax_format
A function that formats the y-axis' labels. For example, to format percentages so that they have two digits of significance:
yax_format: d3.format('2p')
# yax_tick_length
The y-axis' tick length in pixels.
Possible values: {5, number}
# yax_units
A prefix symbol to be shown alongside the y axis' labels. Useful for currencies, for instance.
Possible values: {null, string}
# yax_units_append
Determines whether to append rather than prepend units. This option is available as of v2.10.
Possible values: {false, true}