project: webapp - metaspace2020/metaspace GitHub Wiki

Local installation

  • Clone the repository
  • Run yarn install
  • Create src/clientConfig.json using the provided template (this is used by the frontend)

Running in development mode

yarn run dev will start webpack-dev-server, which will serve and dynamically rebuild client-side code.


The tests rely on having a local copy of the GraphQL schema in tests/utils/graphql-schema.json. This file can either be retrieved from the Production server by running yarn run fetch-prod-graphql-schema, or it can be generated from the local code by running yarn run generate-local-graphql-schema (you may need to run yarn install in ../graphql first)

To run the unit tests: yarn run test To run the unit tests automatically whenever code is changed: yarn run test --watch To check code coverage: yarn run coverage then open coverage/lcov-report/index.html

Running in production

Run yarn run build to build and minify the project. The files in the dist/ directory can then be served by a web server such as nginx.

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