Open Source projects for Android Development - meswapnilwagh/android_guides GitHub Wiki

Here's a documented list of all items that we think should and could be improved. If you're interested in taking on this project, we would be extremely grateful (and the open source community in general would be too).

  • Display a logging error at least if there is no Internet permission defined in AndroidManifest.xml when trying to use the networking stack layer. Right now, there is no indicating what's happening in any networking libraries should you forget this Internet permission. (Android now throws a java.lang.SecurityException error)

  • Fix importing existing Android Studio projects so that you [[can't blindly import a folder or app/build.gradle|Getting-Started-with-Gradle#importing-existing-android-studio-projects]] See source code for project importer

  • Fix support libraries not to require custom app namespaces (i.e. when using the ActionBar compatibility library)

  • When using multiple layout resource directories for large projects, usually a rebuild/clean is necessary. (Fix pending in

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