StorylineDetail - mesosfer/Mesosfer-Cubeacon-iOS GitHub Wiki
Mesosfer provide a specialized bucket StorylineDetail that automatically handles much of the functionality required for storyline management.
Here is some predefined StorylineDetail object :
event =>
, define the event name of a storyline. -
campaign =>
, define the campaign type of a storyline. -
beacons =>
, define array of beacon of a storyline. -
showOn =>
, define array of key and value pairs within day name and boolean state of a storyline. -
alertTitle =>
, define the alert title of storyline, used for TEXT campaign. -
alertMessage =>
, define the alert message of storyline, used for TEXT campaign. -
urlImageAndroid =>
, define the url image for Android of storyline, used for IMAGE campaign. -
urlImageiOS =>
, define the url image for iOS of storyline, used for IMAGE campaign. -
urlPage =>
, define the url page of storyline, used for URL campaign. -
urlVideo =>
, define the url video of storyline, used for VIDEO campaign.
Let’s say you want to save the MFStorylineDetail
described above to the Mesosfer Cloud with saveAsyncWithBlock:
// Storyline object
MFStoryline *storyline;
// create new Storyline Detail object
MFStorylineDetail *detail = [MFStorylineDetail storylineDetailWithStoryline:storyline];
// set campaign
detail.campaign = MFStorylineCampaignVideo;
// set event
detail.event = MFBeaconEventImmediate;
// set alert title
detail.alertTitle = @"App Notification";
// set alert message
detail.alertMessage = @"You have a notification.";
// set url video
detail.urlVideo = @"";
// set beacon list
NSArray<MFBeacon *> *beaconList;
detail.beacons = beaconList;
// set show on
MFShowDay *showOn = [[MFShowDay alloc] init];
[showOn enableAllDay];
detail.showOn = showOn;
// execute saving storyline detail
[detail saveAsyncWithBlock:^(BOOL succeeded, NSError * _Nullable error) {
// check if there is an exception happen
if (error) {
NSLog(@"Error saving storyline detail, cause: %@", error);
NSLog(@"Storyline detail successfully saved.");
If you need to fetch a StorylineDetail with the latest data that is in the cloud, you can call the fetchAsyncWithBlock:
method like so:
// create storyline detail from existing objecId
MFStorylineDetail *detail = [MFStorylineDetail storylineDetailWithObjectId:@"storylineDetailObjectId"];
// fetching the storyline detail data
[detail fetchAsyncWithBlock:^(id _Nullable object, NSError * _Nullable error) {
// check if there is an exception happen
if (error) {
NSLog(@"Error while fetching storyline detail, cause %@", error);
NSLog(@"Storyline detail fetched.");
This will automatically update detail
with the latest data from cloud.
There are many other ways to retrieve data with MFQuery
. You can retrieve many data at once, put conditions on the data you wish to retrieve.
In many cases, there is a condition that need to specify which datas you want to retrieve. The MFQuery
offers different ways to retrieve an array of MFStoryline
s. The general pattern is to create a MFQuery
, put conditions on it, and then retrieve a NSArray
of matching MFStorylineDetail
s using the findAsyncWithBlock:
method. For example, to retrieve MFStoryline
s data with campaign VIDEO
and event ENTER
, use the whereEqualTo
method to constrain the value
for a key
MFQuery *query = [MFStorylineDetail query];
[query whereKey:STORYLINE_DETAIL_KEY_CAMPAIGN equalTo:@(MFStorylineCampaignVideo)];
[query whereKey:STORYLINE_DETAIL_KEY_EVENT equalTo:@(MFBeaconEventEnter)];
[query findAsyncWithBlock:^(NSArray * _Nullable objects, NSError * _Nullable error) {
if (error) {
NSLog(@"Error while finding storyline detail, cause %@", error);
NSLog(@"Found storyline detail: %lu", objects.count);
Refer to this link to learn more about query constraint.
After getting the MFStorylineDetail
data, you can update your data that stored in cloud using method saveAsyncWithBlock
MFStorylineDetail *detail; // fetched storyline detail data
// update storyline detail data
detail.urlVideo = @"";
detail.event = MFBeaconEventNear;
// execute save data
[detail saveAsyncWithBlock:^(BOOL succeeded, NSError * _Nullable error) {
if (error) {
NSLog(@"Error while updating storyline detail, cause %@", error);
NSLog(@"Storyline detail updated.");
To delete a MFStorylineDetail
from the Mesosfer Cloud, use method deleteAsyncWithBlock:
// the current Storyline object to delete
MFStorylineDetail *detail;
// execute delete storyline async
[detail deleteAsyncWithBlock:^(BOOL succeeded, NSError * _Nullable error) {
// check if there is an exception happen
if (error) {
NSLog(@"Error deleting storyline detail, cause: %@", error);
NSLog(@"Storyline detail deleted.");