ZK requests - mesos/elasticsearch GitHub Wiki
External events:
* When we start the scheduler,
* When Mesos acknowledges our framework registration request,
we get the task list [1],
in order to start monitoring each task.
* When Mesos makes us N offers,
for each of the offers,
we get the task list [N],
in order to test whether the offered host is already running a task.
if we accept the offer,
we get the task list [N],
in order to test whether the task already exists.
FIXME this is stupid. It doesn't exist, because we're creating it.
* When Mesos informs us about a lost executor (or rather, when our healthchecks inform us, because Mesos does not implement this yet),
we get the task list [1],
in order to get the task that was running on that executor (WHY)
* When Mesos sends the scheduler an update on a task,
we get the task list [1],
in order to test whether the task exists.
FIXME this is stupid. It should exist, because we're getting an update on it.
we then do the same thing again:
get the task list [1],
in order to test whether the task exists.
FIXME this is even more stupid.
* When we receive an HTTP request for /_search,
we get the task list [1],
then for each N tasks in the list, we get its status which means:
getting the task list again [N],
in order to find a suitable host to forward the request to.
* When we receive an HTTP request for /_cluster/stats,
we get the task list [1],
then for each N tasks in the list, we get its status which means:
getting the task list again [N],
in order to find a suitable host to forward the request to.
* When every (configuration.getExecutorHealthDelay() / 2) milliseconds, we run the executor healthcheck,
SerializableState.get called by:
ClusterState.getTaskList (one ZK GET)
OfferStrategy.isHostAlreadyRunningTask with a Protos.Offer
In the rule for our second acceptanceRule
OfferStrategy.evaluate given a Protos.Offer
ElasticsearchScheduler.resourceOffers, for each Offer
XXX When Mesos offers us some resources
a callback in new ClusterMonitor
XXX When Mesos acknowledges our framework registration request.
ClusterState.getGuiTaskList calls this once
XXX When we get an HTTP request to /_search
XXX When we get an HTTP request to /_cluster/stats
ClusterState.getTask for an ExecutorID
ElasticsearchScheduler.executorLost for a given ExecutorID.
XXX When Mesos informs us about a lost executor (or rather, when our healthchecks inform us, because Mesos does not implement this yet.)
ClusterState.getTask for a TaskID
ClusterState.exists for a TaskID
ClusterState.addTask for a TaskInfo
ClusterState.addTask for a ESTaskStatus
ElasticsearchScheduler.resourceOffers when we accept an offer (potentially many)
XXX When Mesos offers us resources
ClusterState.update for a TaskStatus
ClusterState.updateTask for a TaskStatus
FrameworkState.announceStatusUpdate with a new TaskStatus
ElasticsearchScheduler.statusUpdate with a new TaskStatus
XXX When Mesos sends the scheduler an update on a task.
ClusterState.updateTask for TaskStatus
XXX see above
ClusterState.getStatus for a TaskID
ClusterState.getGuiTaskList calls this for every task in the task list.
XXX When we get an HTTP request to /_search
XXX When we get an HTTP request to /_cluster/stats
ClusterState.taskInError for a TaskStatus gets the task, then gets whether the task is in error.
ClusterState.updateTask for a TaskStatus
FrameworkState.announceStatusUpdate with a new TaskStatus
ElasticsearchScheduler.statusUpdate with a new TaskStatus
When Mesos sends the scheduler an update on a task.
ClusterState.update with a TaskStatus
see above
ClusterState.updateTask for a TaskStatus
see above
ClusterState.removeTask for a TaskInfo
ClusterState.addTask(TaskInfo) calls this before re-adding it if the task already exists
ClusterState.updateTask(TaskInfo) calls this if the task is set to be "in error"
Runs every (configuration.getExecutorHealthDelay() / 2) milliseconds
ClusterState.getGuiTaskList calls this for every task in the list
see above
`new ESTaskStatus` calls this when writing a log line
ClusterMonitor.startMonitoringTask creates a new ESTaskStatus.
ElasticsearchScheduler.resourceOffers for a task, if we accept it.
ClusterState.getStatus for a given TaskInfo.
ClusterState.getStatus for a TaskID.
see above
see above
ElasticsearchScheduler.resourceOffers if we accept an offer
When Mesos offers us some resources.
see above
ESTaskStatus.toString calls this twice!
ElasticsearchScheduler.resourceOffers, for each offer that we accept
FrameworkInfoFactory.setFrameworkId gets the previous ID to log it before changing it
When we start the scheduler
TaskInfoFactory.newExecutorInfo(Configuration) calls this once to set on the new ExecutorInfo
ElasticsearchScheduler.resourceOffers if we accept an offer
ClusterMonitor.startMonitoringTask(TaskInfo) calls this once to determine which framework the task is a member of ... this doesn't seem right
lambda in `new ClusterMonitor` calls this once for each task
when the framework is registered
ClusterState.getKey calls this to determine the key in ZK for the tasks
ClusterState.getStatus(TaskInfo) calls this once
ClusterState.addTask with a TaskInfo
see above
see above
ClusterState.update with a new TaskStatus
ClusterState.updateTask with a TaskStatus
see above
When we call `new ESTaskStatus` we test whether it is stored in ZK already; if not then we set a default TaskStatus.
see above
see above
SerializableState.set called by:
ClusterState.setTaskInfoList sets the task list key
ClusterState.addTask calls this once
see above
ClusterState.removeTask calls this once
see above
ESTaskStatus.setStatus(TaskStatus) sets the task status key for a given task
see above
`new ESTaskStatus` calls this once if the task status does not exist in ZK
see above
FrameworkState.markRegistered sets the frameworkId key
see above
StatePath.mkdir makes each "directory" in order from the root
see above
SerializableState.delete called by:
see above