Usage:Init settings - meshesha/SimplePhpFormBuilder GitHub Wiki

Name Description Default value
Application Mode Application Mode: 0- Debag, 1- Production.
Debug mode will show the Tracy toolbar on all pages.
Max file seize default max file size allowed (Bytes). 1KB = 1024 Bytes. 1MB = 1048576 Bytes 1048576 Bytes (1MB)
Enable User registration Enable User registration/Create new account Yes
Auto registration Accept automatically user registration after verification.
If enabled, once the user verifies by email, it will be added to a list of 'users' and deleted from a 'registration request' list. And if not enabled, The user request will remain on the list of 'registration request' until it is approved manually by the administrator.
New User Default Group A group to which a user will be associated when registering a new user, if not associated with any group when creating the new user.Therefore, it is recommended to create a new group and associate new users with it. Managers
Enable User Password Recovery Enable User Password Recovery ("Forgot password") Yes
set Administrator Users As Default Form Manager set Administrator Users As Default Form Manager if form managers not set in form. Yes
Enable Cookies Allow cookies to be used to avoid filling out a form more than once No
Cookies Lifetime Cookies lifetime (in days). 30 (days)
Enable Form-Managers Edit Form Tamplate Enable Form-Managers Edit Form Tamplate Yes

Name Description Default value
SMTP host Sets the SMTP hosts of your Email hosting localhost
SMTP port ets the default SMTP server port 25
SMTP Auth Sets SMTP authentication. Utilizes the Username and Password variables false
SMTP Username Sets SMTP username
SMTP Password Sets SMTP password
SMTP Secure Sets connection prefix. Options are "", "ssl" or "tls"
From Email Sets the From email address for the message [email protected]
From Name Sets the From name of the message localhost
Verification Mail Subject The Subject of the Verification Mail Subject message "Email Verification"
Reset password mail subject The Subject of the Reset password mail message "Reset password"

Name Description Default value
Form body bgcolor 1: Sets form body bgcolor 1
rgba(44, 43, 239, 0.55)
Form body bgcolor 2: Sets form body bgcolor 2
rgb(29, 59, 238)
Form body bgcolors angle: Linear gradient color angle
Max Form body bgImage size: Max Form body bgImage size allowed (Bytes). 1KB = 1024 Bytes. 1MB = 1048576 Bytes
Form body bgImage attachment: Form body bgImage attachment
Form body bgImage position: Form body bgImage position
center center
Form body bgImage repet: Form body bgImage repet
Form body bgImage size: Form body bgImage size
Form width: Form width (%)
Vertical margin: Form Vertical margin (%)
Form bgcolor: Form Background Color
rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)
Form Opacity: Form Opacity (%)
Form border size: Form border size (px)
Form border type: Form border type
Form border color: Form border color
rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)
Form border radius: Form border radius size (px)
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