Usage:Init settings - meshesha/SimplePhpFormBuilder GitHub Wiki
Name | Description | Default value |
Application Mode | Application Mode: 0- Debag, 1- Production. Debug mode will show the Tracy toolbar on all pages. |
Production |
Max file seize | default max file size allowed (Bytes). 1KB = 1024 Bytes. 1MB = 1048576 Bytes | 1048576 Bytes (1MB) |
Enable User registration | Enable User registration/Create new account | Yes |
Auto registration | Accept automatically user registration after verification. If enabled, once the user verifies by email, it will be added to a list of 'users' and deleted from a 'registration request' list. And if not enabled, The user request will remain on the list of 'registration request' until it is approved manually by the administrator. |
Yes |
New User Default Group | A group to which a user will be associated when registering a new user, if not associated with any group when creating the new user.Therefore, it is recommended to create a new group and associate new users with it. | Managers |
Enable User Password Recovery | Enable User Password Recovery ("Forgot password") | Yes |
set Administrator Users As Default Form Manager | set Administrator Users As Default Form Manager if form managers not set in form. | Yes |
Enable Cookies | Allow cookies to be used to avoid filling out a form more than once | No |
Cookies Lifetime | Cookies lifetime (in days). | 30 (days) |
Enable Form-Managers Edit Form Tamplate | Enable Form-Managers Edit Form Tamplate | Yes |
Name | Description | Default value |
SMTP host | Sets the SMTP hosts of your Email hosting | localhost |
SMTP port | ets the default SMTP server port | 25 |
SMTP Auth | Sets SMTP authentication. Utilizes the Username and Password variables | false |
SMTP Username | Sets SMTP username | |
SMTP Password | Sets SMTP password | |
SMTP Secure | Sets connection prefix. Options are "", "ssl" or "tls" | |
From Email | Sets the From email address for the message | [email protected] |
From Name | Sets the From name of the message | localhost |
Verification Mail Subject | The Subject of the Verification Mail Subject message | "Email Verification" |
Reset password mail subject | The Subject of the Reset password mail message | "Reset password" |
Name | Description | Default value |
Form body bgcolor 1: | Sets form body bgcolor 1 |
rgba(44, 43, 239, 0.55)
Form body bgcolor 2: | Sets form body bgcolor 2 |
rgb(29, 59, 238)
Form body bgcolors angle: | Linear gradient color angle |
Max Form body bgImage size: | Max Form body bgImage size allowed (Bytes). 1KB = 1024 Bytes. 1MB = 1048576 Bytes |
Form body bgImage attachment: | Form body bgImage attachment |
Form body bgImage position: | Form body bgImage position |
center center
Form body bgImage repet: | Form body bgImage repet |
Form body bgImage size: | Form body bgImage size |
Form width: | Form width (%) |
Vertical margin: | Form Vertical margin (%) |
Form bgcolor: | Form Background Color |
rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)
Form Opacity: | Form Opacity (%) |
Form border size: | Form border size (px) |
Form border type: | Form border type |
Form border color: | Form border color |
rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)
Form border radius: | Form border radius size (px) |