Umbilical Cord Blood Banking: Curing the incurable diseases - mersano/Article GitHub Wiki

There has been great debate and work being done on curing some of the most incurable diseases of all time. Scientists have not yet been successful in curing those diseases by means of using some of the drugs or performing some kind of surgery. This search is continuously going on to find the right alternative which can fight those diseases.

Some of the most incurable diseases till now are Cancer, AIDS and so on. One needs to find a way in which one can totally eradicate these diseases. Obviously there are chances that it might generate newer kind of diseases but currently, these diseases are creating much of the issues which are required to be addressed.

Umbilical Cord Blood Banking

Umbilical Cord Blood Banking: Brief Overview

As a means of hope to cure this some of the incurable diseases, a new ray of hope has emerged from the stem cells of the humans. Stem cells carry all the information of that particular individual which can even be utilized to create a complete clone of that individual. Thus this cells can cure the organs or parts which are diseased.

These stem cells can be found when the baby was born in the umbilical cord which is joining the baby with its mother. This cord is acting like a lifeline between the baby and the mother as it transfers desired nutrients to the baby from the body of the mother. Once a baby is born this cord is normally discarded, as a result, one will lose a chance to get the desired stem cells.

Stem Cells if collected by means of umbilical cord blood banking, which can be stored over a longer duration till it is required in future for curing any of the diseases. These cells which are collected are stored in special conditions in such a way that there is no effect of external environment on the same. These cells can then come in handy when there is a need to combat the disease.

Preserving the stem cells in laboratory conditions

One can preserve these stem cells in special conditions and requires maintaining a special environment for the same. This cord blood which is collected will have quite fewer cells which can further be increased based on some of the artificial techniques developed for its division. This will increase the available stem cells to more numbers which can prove to be beneficial whenever they are required.

Even researchers have identified some of the diseases which might likely occur upon usage of the stem cells for curing the diseases. Once you have saved your baby’s stem cells in the cord blood bank your baby can rest assured in the future. Whenever there are chances of the incurable disease to him it can be cured with the help of these stem cells.


Thus we can say, stem cells are quite important cells which carry all the information about one’s body right from their birth. This information can be utilized to develop the rightful part or the organ which can replace the organ which is diseased in the body of the individual. Thus it can be utilized to cure many of the incurable diseases of today’s time.

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