Some FAQs About Tattoo Removal With Laser Technology - mersano/Article GitHub Wiki

tech laser tattoo

In this article, we are going to know about some of the most frequently asked questions for the laser treatment of tattoo removal. Let's go for them one by one.

What is laser technology

Laser technology is the most advanced technology used for tattoo removal. In this technology, the tattoo is removed using a beam of the laser. In this technology, the person having the tattoo is first given anesthesia and then the beam of the laser is bombarded on his or her tattooed skin.

What is the meaning of Laser

The word laser is the acronym of 'Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation'.

In which cases it can be used

Almost in all types of tattoos, this method can be used. It will always give you the best result than other methods.

Is there any side effect of it

If you will follow all the instructions given by your dermatologist, you will not get any side effects of this treatment.

What is the cost which may come

The actual cost of this treatment upon the condition of your skin, your age and the size of your tattoo yet the estimated cost of this treatment is between $200  to $500 per session. It also depends on which country you are staying in.

What is the meaning of Q-switch in Q-Switch technology

Q-Switched technology one of the most effective technology to remove the tattoo. The meaning of Q-Switched is that the laser beam used in this treatment is not continuous. It is made fall in the form of a pulse. It means the time gap between two laser beam which strike the skin is nanoseconds. It may also be said like this that after every nanosecond the laser beam strikes the skin and the colour pigment to break the pigment down in pieces.

What is the meaning of Nd: YAG

The meaning of Nd is neodymium and the meaning of YAG is yttrium aluminum garnet. It is a crystal used to produce a laser light beam in a laser device for removal of the tattoo.

What precautions which we should take

The following precautions must be taken while going through laser treatment.

Just the best dermatologist

Always choose the best dermatologist. Don't go for an inauthentic dermatologist. For getting the best one for you you may also take the help of online search or the help of any relative, friend or anyone you know well.

Keep a good company with you

Always keep someone with you while during and after the session. There may be many such works that need but can't do yourself during the session and it may happen that just after the session you feel not well enough to walk alone for home. In these cases, the company you got will be a great help.

Avoid direct sun rays

After a few days of the treatment and during the treatment do not expose your tattooed skin to the direct sun rays. Whenever you go out, cover your tattoed area very well.

A big no to Antibiotics

During the treatment and also one day before starting the first session, do not take any antibiotics as it may cause some unwanted complexion in your treatment due to which the treatment may get delayed or the desired result after the treatment gets affected. But you really need to take some, must take this after the consult of your dermatologist.

Don't go for additional method along with it

Sometimes it happens that people think that it's taking a long time for the treatment or the process is going on very slowly. To get the desired result very fast people may go for an additional removal method along with it. This may go not in your favour so always say for combining this treatment with another one. You want to do anything like this must take the permission of your dermatologist.

What is the duration of this treatment

This treatment usually gets finished in 8-10 sessions. Each session usually lasts about 40 minutes. Between any two sessions, a gap of approx 3 months is required.

Why do 8-10 sessions are needed

While making the tattoo pigment particles are fixed inside the skin. These pigment particles are so large that our body's immune system could not absorb these pigments and they actually get trapped under the skin and remain there forever.

When the laser beam strikes the pigment particles, it breaks them into very fine particles.  After getting broken down the pigment particles can easily be absorbed and thrown out of the body. But all the pigments particles are not get broken in a single session, this is the reason 8-10 sessions are needed to break the pigments completely down and thrown them out if the body.

Why any two sessions have the gap of approx 3 months at least

After the pigment particles are broken down all the particles are absorbed and thrown out of the body. But this process is not very quick and all the broken particles take approx 3 months to come out of the body. This is the reason any two sessions has at least 3 months gap.

What is Picosure technology

Picosure technology is the next level of Q-Switched technology. It is considered to be the most advanced technology for removing the tattoo. There are many good features in this technology that were not present in the Q-Switched technology.

What are the key differences between Q-Switch and Picosure technologies

The key difference between these two is that in the Q-Switched technology the dark coloured tattoo was giving very good results after removal but the light coloured tattoo was not easily getting removed with this method.

In picture technology, all the colours of the tattoo can be removed easily and aftercare after every session is also kept reducing in this method.


These were just a few most probable question which is expected to be asked or say these are generally asked. But if really want a good result don't hesitate to ask any question with your dermatologist.

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