No more bicycle accidents with these preventive measures - mersano/Article GitHub Wiki

Bicycle accidents

Bicycle accidents are raging like wildfire. As per National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA) 2015 data, cyclist casualties increased by 12.2% than the previous year.

Though all bicyclists are prone to accidents when encountered with a motorist, some researchers stated that:

  • Older cyclists are more prone to accidents. Between the year 2016 and 2015, on an average people who were 41 to 45 years of age were killed in bicycle accidents.
  • The death rate for male bicyclists was 6 times more per 1 million individuals than females.
  • In 2015, 70% of cyclists died in accidents in the urban areas.
  • 60% and more deadly accidents took place at non-intersections and 3% happened on the bike lanes.
  • The time between 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm is considered highly dangerous for bicyclists.    

How to prevent bicycle accidents

Though you can get indemnity later on after an encounter with a sloppy motorist, it’s always better to be safe than sorry. For safe driving check out the bicycle accident prevention measures below:

1. Choose a suitable size

You’ll find it difficult to ride a bicycle if the size of the vehicle is too small or too big. Select a proper size of the bicycle that suits your body and weight.  

2. Ride towards the left side of the road

Bicyclists can easily get hit by the doors of cars. That’s why, cyclists are recommended to ride to the left side of the road, maintaining a distance of at least 4 feet. To avoid accidents, bicyclists must use the mirror to look back for checking traffic or swerving.

3. Always use a helmet

A helmet protects your brain from serious injuries. Never ever forget to wear a helmet when biking. Forgetting to wear one could throw you in a life-threatening situation if you meet with an accident. Choose a helmet that fits your head perfectly.

4. Avoid congested streets whenever possible

Even if you cycle to work every single day, look for uncrowded roads. One reason to avail quieter roads is, there are fewer cars on the streets and the motorists wouldn't get distracted from noticing you.  

5. Use headlights

Use reflectors and headlights to make your presence clear on the streets, especially when you’re cycling in the dark. These are necessary and often legally needed.  Also, try to ride less during the night as much as possible.   

6. Give signals before turning

Whenever you’re taking a turn, always signal your movement. Don’t let a motorist surprise you when you take a turn. Use your arms to give signals before moving ahead.  

7.  Wear bright attires

Another tricky way to get noticed on roads and avoid bicycle accidents is to wear bright clothes while driving. Wear something fluorescent so that drivers can keep a safe distance from you.

8. Wave, make eye contact or noise

Before crossing roads, pedestrians communicate through eye contact with the drivers to make sure that they’re noticed. Consider making a noise or waving if you’re unable to connect through eye contact. This helps bicyclists prevent accidents.  

Your safety on road is mostly in your hands. Now it’s up to you, how you want the streets to treat you. Take safety measures and stay safe.

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