How to Deploy a Minecraft Server in Linux - mersano/Article GitHub Wiki

For some time now, Minecraft has been one of the very popular building games on the planet. This game which was designed by Microsoft Studios has extended its claws to almost all places in the world and it seems it will continue to even be more famous and widespread. In the game, the player is given the opportunity to build whatever they want and explore it in a world of 3D.

To enjoy this game, however, you can either decide to set up on your own local PC or do it online. If you want to set it up by yourself on Linux, then this post is exactly what you need. For the purpose of specificity, we will be focusing on Ubuntu Linux. Therefore, as we go on with the post, we will put you through the process of deploying the Minecraft server in Ubuntu which will facilitate playing with other people online.

Ensure your Ubuntu Linux us up to date

Before you can make your own Minecraft server, you need to ensure that certain things are in place and one of them is having an up-to-date Ubuntu Linux. This is very necessary before you will go ahead and install the Minecraft software.

Minecraft server

Connect server through SSH

Moving into the main process itself, the first thing you have to do is make sure you are connected to your server via SSH. If you are on a PC, to do this, you can just connect with PuTTY. After the command line has been opened, the next thing for you is to log in. To log in, type "ssh username@ip address".

Once you are prompted, enter the password. Even though it is possible to have the server set up on the root user, it tends to not be as secure as to set it up under a different username.

Install the requirements

After observing the above step and before you proceed, you need to ensure you have all the requirements needed for the process. That is why you have to quickly carry out the update on apt-get which is the program through which all the server requirements will be downloaded. Once that is done, you need to ensure that you have Java installed on your server. In a situation whereby Java is not installed on your server, you will receive a response that indicates that Java command is not found. What you should do after that is to download it via apt-get. In addition to installing java on your server, another thing that you have to do is to supply it with a screen that will keep the server running even if you drop the connection.

Install the Minecraft Server files

Upon the completion of the above steps, the next thing in line is to install the files for the Minecraft server. To do that, you have to:

  • Create a directory for the files

The first thing you are required to do here is to create a new location where the Minecraft files will be stored. After you have created the location, switch it to "cd Minecraft".

  • Download the Minecraft server files

Within the Minecraft directory that you created, run the command in order to download the Minecraft server software

  • Start your Minecraft server

Since you already installed the screen, after downloading the Minecraft files within the created directory, you can start running it. After observing the previous necessary steps, you can run the Minecraft server with java

What you need to know post setup

If you have followed the highlighted process appropriately, your Minecraft should now be completely set up. However, you might need to know some basics. For instance, if you want to exit out of the screen, you press ctl-a d. In addition, in a situation where you have to reattach screen, all you have to do is type "screen -R". In the same vein, if you intend to change the settings of your server, you can achieve that by opening the server properties file up via "nano~/minecraft/".

In conclusion, it is important to note that we have only covered the basics of making a Minecraft of your own here. After setting it up, there are some other advanced things you can do to make the experience better. However, that is not the subject of this post.

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