Five Reasons Why You Need Headphones for Your Podcast - mersano/Article GitHub Wiki

Headphones for Your Podcast

If you are a professional podcaster and you require good quality sounds, then you are going to need headphones. Various ways using a headphone can save your podcast and understanding why they are important will help you make the right decision when buying the headphone that's right for you. Headphones provide high-quality audio monitoring while recording your podcast. This article is a guide to understanding the benefits of using a headphone while recording. 

Using a Headphone makes you a better podcaster

If you haven’t recorded your voice via a podcasting app, you've never heard the way you sound. The only way you can hear yourself is when you wear headphones. If you are starting your podcast show or working in a radio station, headphones give you control when it comes to adjusting your voice. It allows you to self-review what you have said and makes changes where necessary. You will know when you need to change the tone or the volume of your voice. Headphones make a huge difference in your performance and how you sound. If you need the best high-end headphones, then let us help you.

Wearing headphones improves your microphone technique

It helps to improve your microphone technique. You can hear when you’re off the mic or too loud. You can easily adjust the way you are using your microphone while you are talking. The more you use headphones while recording, the more your microphone technique will be better. Also, if you are inviting a guest to your podcast show, it becomes easier to record. You don’t have to tell your guest how to talk on the show. A guest with zero microphone experience can hear how they sound while using the headphones. There’s nothing that kills a conversation like telling your guest how to talk while recording. It disrupts the flow of conversation, and it can make your guest uncomfortable. With headphones, it becomes easier to self-regulate, and both of you can concentrate on the conversation.

Headphones help you to edit accurately

If you edit your podcast, then you need headphones. Editing is time-consuming, so the easier it is, the better for you. Headphones help you to control the audio and make necessary adjustments. Editing with your computer speakers can be ineffective, and that's why using a headphone is better. Closed headphones project the sound directly in your ears, and you can hear the recording. It allows you to edit or remove any background noise. The last thing you want is for your audio to be unusable. It’s also essential when you are recording with a guest.

It makes your podcast sound better

With headphones, you will notice if the levels are too high or too low and you can adjust appropriately. It is also useful when you are editing because it will save you the stress of going through each section, raising and lowering levels. It also helps you to detect popping sounds while recording. Popping sounds occurs when you are too close to the microphone while talking. Without a headphone, it becomes impossible to see, and it is unpleasant. Although, there are some editing software that can “auto-heal,’ but if the pop sounds are too much, it can make your editing obvious.

It helps to reduce ambient noise

Many types of ambient noise can affect your podcast. But it’s hard to hear it unless you are wearing headphones. A major type of ambient noise that can affect your podcast is wind. Listening to a conversation with wind noise at the background can be unpleasant, and it drowns out what you’re saying. It’s also impossible to fix this while editing, and that's why you need headphones while recording. It allows you to monitor which environmental noises are getting in the way of your recording.


Headphones are necessary when it comes to podcasting. A great tip that can help is to use them while the volume is loud. Headphones give you total control of your podcast. If you are an amateur podcaster, you will need to invest in a pair of high-quality headphones.