Efficient Meeting Room Technology - mersano/Article GitHub Wiki

Modern meeting rooms equipment

Modern conference rooms for business forums, business meetings, training courses represent complex hardware with varied multi-functional and high-tech electronics. The use of such techniques allows you to effectively achieve the following objectives:

  • optimal use of time when conducting business meetings;
  • a significant increase in the actual results from such activities;
  • get opportunities for effective discussions;
  • multiple increases in the efficiency of learning processes;
  • Significant improvement in the quality of materials created according to the results of the business activities and their subsequent archiving, reliable safety on a variety of media and quality execution of necessary documents.

Modern meeting rooms equipment

Modern meeting room technology includes:

  • New development of audio systems, including microphones (wired and wireless), mixer, dynamic system that can handle the sound. They will allow you to convey to the audience the performance of the rapporteurs and other participants of business meetings of any nature. If these events are held with a significant number of participants, meeting rooms should be equipped with modern meeting facilities. Their application allows you to streamline the process of discussions that will greatly enhance the effectiveness of such events. And, of course, the meeting room cannot do without interpretation, business negotiations with international status; otherwise, to achieve real results from such events is impossible.
  • Multimedia projectors and screens, without which the modern meeting rooms are simply impossible to imagine. Such presentation equipment (whiteboard, document camera, etc.) allows you to project an image and effectively convey information to the audience.
  • In recent years, the global penetration of the Internet and increasing speed of data transfer, cause the appearance of Video conferencing system (VCS). Modern Full HD VC systems allow you to communicate with remote interlocutors live as if they are near you.

Interactive and Copy boards

Interactive whiteboard Smart Board is installed in the offices to conduct more vivid and memorable presentations, but in recent years schools require such interactive whiteboards.

Before buying this device, you should accurately determine what kind you need.

The benefits of using interactive whiteboards:

  • conveniently, the perception of displayed information;
  • ability to save presentations;
  • quick display of the prepared slides;
  • anti-vandal and anti-glare coating;
  • the use of mobile interactive systems.

Meeting System

None of the modern conference room, no meeting room, no press center sees its work without the conference system. The widespread use of the conferencing system is involved in classrooms and meeting rooms.

It is important to remember that a good and professionally decorated conference room could become the hallmark of the company. It is possible to significantly raise its status in negotiations by using round tables during seminars, conferences, and trainings.

The System Technology Of Video Surveillance

The main purpose of the system is displayed on the monitors of the translators of the speaking participant. The use of this system significantly improves the quality of the simultaneous translation. The image of the speaker can be broadcast on monitors/projector in the hall.

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