Database Search and Replace Script in PHP - mersano/Article GitHub Wiki

If you run a self-hosted WordPress platform, then you should be familiar with the constant requirements to make upgrades to your database. Plugins, themes, and even WordPress versions need to be upgraded constantly to maintain the security standard and also to improve user experience. 

This is not particular with only the people who run the WordPress platform. As far as you run a PHP script at the backend, there will always be a need to replace certain scripts at some point. In most cases, this could become a problem when you are not the one that created the script or you have limited knowledge of how database search and replace functionality works.

PHP scrip

The fact is, making any modification in your database requires special knowledge and caution. One wrong move could cause a serious problem. You should never tamper with a PHP scripts if you have doubts about how they work. Ensure you have the required skills and instructions on how you should replace scripts. With that in mind, there are a lot of reasons why you may need to make modifications to your database when you are running a self-hosted WordPress.

Reasons To Make Database Modifications

  • You need to change to a new theme
  • You want to change to a new domain
  • You want to move localhost site to live server
  • You want to move live WordPress site to localhost
  • You want to upgrade from HTTP to HTTPS and add an SSL certificate
  • You want to install or disable a particular plugin

To complete most of these tasks above, you will need to search and replace relevant scripts in your database. If you have the experience and operate a smaller website, this task should be very easy. However, it gets more complicated when you have a website with hundreds or even thousands of pages. 

To do this task efficiently without messing up your entire database, we have listed various ways you can perform database search and replace below.

Top 3 Ways To Do Database Search and Replace

  1. Make Use of a Special Plugin

We recommend this method for people with less experience. With a special plugin, you can easily replace PHP scripts without having access to your database. Most of the plugins with this functionality are very easy to use. You can find a plugin for this task at This platform has a number of plugins you can easily use to make modifications to your PHP code.

  1. Manually Editing (With SQL Query)

Don't try this unless you have the required experience for handling the SQL query. There are special cases where a plugin may not give you the exact column name you need. In this case, you will have to edit the code manually. We recommend that you get an expert or ask for instructions from experts.

  1. Use the "Find and Replace" Function in SQL Table

This is another manual method. However, it is a lot easier to use when you don't have the knowledge of SQL query. You can also use this method when you don't want to make use of a plugin. It allows you to replace the words in an individual column of a table. 

Final Words

Database search and replace PHP script can seem a little bit complicated. However, it is certainly what anyone can do using any of the 3 recommended methods above. You should give it a try. 

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