Benefits of Using a Copy First Approach for Designers - mersano/Article GitHub Wiki

Content gives worth to design. Designing without content is not designing its about art and craft and decoration. It involves the use of the content to identify the place of content, placeholders, and images with its layout structure. It's similar to building infrastructure and then placing content at the end. Dummy content can be troublesome because it can't capture the whole scenario in design. Copy-first approach is about sketching the whole scenario and then fitting the elements in its design. It is suggested to use the real content along with design because after the design finalization writer can use such vocabulary which is long enough to be fit in that specific placeholder.



Deadline Planning

Deadline planning for writing the content first always prove helpful. It becomes independent of the writer whether he is your client, local writer or a team member. When you take time for content writing at the beginning of your project then it means you're planning to meet the deadlines. It enters you in a circle where you can rethink the timeline and deadlines in a more accurate way. It doesn’t depend upon the type and nature of tools that you make use of them. It’s crucial to set deadlines and take a start off with it.

By writing content at the beginning means you can see where overlapping is happening and estimate the time by looking at the draft. It provides you a basic indication that where you should write a description and where you should place an image etc.

Site Planning

It helps in the site planning process and beneficial for longer projects especially at the time of designing. Writing a copy before actual implementation gives a rough sketch to see across the zone. It helps you to have a glance at your strategies. It allows you to see at the website and different pages and from where user journey needs modification. A project with a small scope like having a single page shows its extensiveness. You can judge its robustness that how it can be fitted in an existing website to enhance the flexibility of previously designed websites.

Goals accomplishment checking

As far as the project is moving ahead you should check its content against the objectives. Objectives are related to the user and business whether user requirements are fulfilling or not and that requirements are proving to be healthier in a business sense. In short, you will be checking the alignment of intended content with business goals. Team or individual employee double check the web pages either they are fulfilling the goals or not. if we move towards the micro section then we will consider the content section or sentences in every page or a paragraph.

For example, if a page is supposed to attain high reviews or rating but it holds reviews based on truth which isn't obvious and keeping the clients far away from the website. Objective or goal is accomplishing but also incomplete in other sense. Copy first approach allows designers to double check the content before jumping into the well.


A page full of text puts a man in trouble. He becomes confused and wants to get rid of it. A lot of text on a single page lacks user experience, reliability, flexibility, site metrics, and readability. Decluttering recognize you with the importance of text and what type of text will suit at what page. A strategic move is about cutting the text 75% and explaining the remaining text with the help of graphics and designing.

Increase number of reviews

A copy at the beginning means it is in a fully optimized form. It's a good idea to test it for a particular brand. It all refers to the reviews on brand page wither they align with the tone and services of the brand or not. does it seem best with the brand reputation? If yes then it's ok to move with them otherwise rewrite them.

Visual Design Infrastructure

Visual design means sections and content related to everything is clearly defined. It is related to the layouts and other designing aspects like header and footer of the website. In the end, you would be in need of combining the written content with [](visual elements).