Documentation - meroving/FluentAdb GitHub Wiki
This library provides simple asynchronous C# interface to Android Debug Bridge. It provide almost all functionality that has ADB, including:
- Get and set properties
- Install and manage applications
- Push and pull files
- Read device services
Sample code
var adb = Adb.New("..\\..\\..\\adb\\adb.exe");
var devices = await adb.GetDevices(cancellationToken);
var deviceInfo = devices.FirstOrDefault(d => d.State == DeviceState.Online);
var targetAdb = adb.Target(deviceInfo.SerialNumber);
var model = await targetAdb.Shell.GetProperty("ro.product.model", cancellationToken);
var manufacturer = await targetAdb.Shell.GetProperty("ro.product.manufacturer", cancellationToken);
var result = await targetAdb.Install(apkFilePath, InstallOptions.ReinstallKeepingData, cancellationToken);
Getting started
- Where i can get the last release of library?
You can get it from NuGet store or you can get dlls from release page
- Why library needs System.Reactive.Linq as NuGet dependency?
Reactive Extensions are used for Logcat representation.