Reading Class 23 - meron-401n14/seattle-javascript-401n14 GitHub Wiki
Ten react hooks you should have in your toolbox
- useArray hook : Adding elements to an array or removing an element at a given index is a daily routine.
- 2.React-use-from-state hook : forms are everywhere, even in the smallest of applications we have to encounter forms and
manage their state
- 3.React-fetch-hook : making ajax calls is like the most basic and most performed task for a frontend developer .
- 4.useMedia hook : is a react sensor hook that tracks the state of a css media query
- 5.react-useportal hook : provide a first class way to render children into a DOM node that exists outside the DOM
hierarchy of the parent component.
- 6.React-firebase-hooks : use whether its for authentication or storage
- 7.Use-onClickOutside hook : is a way to know if the user clicks everything but specific component
- 8.useInteractionObserver hook : provides a way to asynchronously observer changes in the interaction of a target element
- 9.use-location hook : used for getting the location browser
- 10.use-redux hook : this hook returns the store and dispatch property