Installing API - meridor/perspective-backend GitHub Wiki

Currently we support packages for Debian-based Linux distributions only. Before you proceed with package installation you need to add our package archive (PPA):

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:meridor/perspective
$ sudo apt-get update 

In order to make API work you need to install the following components:

  • Storage daemon
  • REST API daemon
  • One or more worker daemons

Storage daemon

$ sudo apt-get install perspective-storage

REST API daemon

$ sudo apt-get install perspective-rest

Worker daemon

You need to install worker daemons for each cloud you will use. Worker daemon package names have the following naming convention: perspective-<cloud_name>, where <cloud_name> - is the name of the cloud that supports current worker. E.g. to work with Openstack you need to install perspective-openstack package, for Docker - use perspective-docker and so on.

$ sudo apt-get install perspective-openstack # Do this step for each cloud you wish to work with

The table below contains the full list of supported clouds:

Cloud Package name
Docker perspective-docker
Openstack perspective-openstack
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