Configuring API - meridor/perspective-backend GitHub Wiki

All configuration files for API components reside in /etc/perspective. The following sections describe configuration files for each component in detail.


Main configuration file is /etc/perspective/storage/ It's contains key-value pairs one by line:

Each storage property starts with prefix. The following table summarizes available configuration properties, their meaning and value examples. We omit prefix in the table for brevity but it's still required. Properties having no default value are required.

Name Description Default value Example Value Free-form storage identifier (like database name). Should be the same among storage replicas. perspective my-storage
group.password Password to access to storage perspective my-password
port Port to listen on 5801 5801
interface Interface to listen on
members Comma separated list of storage cluster hosts,
backup.count Number of replicas that should store copy of the data 1 2
ipv4only Whether to listen only on IPv4 interface true true
ttl.projects Time to live for projects without update. When this time expires not updated projects are removed (evicted) from storage. 7200 3600
ttl.instances Time to live for instances 300 120
ttl.images Time to live for images 1800 600


Main configuration file is /etc/perspective/rest/ It has the same key-value structure as other components do. Each rest property also starts with perspective prefix.

Name Description Default value Example Value Storage group name. perspective my-storage Storage access password perspective my-password
storage.hosts Comma separated list of storage cluster hosts,


Worker properties configuration file is /etc/perspective/<cloud_name>/, where <cloud_name> is a supported cloud name, e.g. openstack, docker and so on. This file has the same key-value structure as other components do. Each worker property starts with perspective prefix.

Name Description Default value Example Value Storage group name. perspective my-storage Storage access password perspective my-password
storage.hosts Comma separated list of storage cluster hosts, Number of parallel threads to process data retrieval tasks, e.g. synchronizing lists of instances, images, projects and so on 8 10
messaging.polling.delay Message polling duration in milliseconds, mainly influences how fast worker will start to shut down 1000 500
messaging.write.consumers Number of parallel threads to process data modification tasks, e.g. rebooting instances or deleting images 2 1
messaging.tolerable.queue.size Maximum number of messages in the queue that are tolerable for this worker. When this number is reached worker starts to issue warnings about big queue size. 1000 100
messaging.shutdown.timeout Time in milliseconds to wait for consumed tasks to complete 30000 10000
scheduler.pool.size Size of the thread pool of periodic tasks scheduler (e.g. fetching lists of images or instances) 10 5
fetch.delay.projects Pause in milliseconds between subsequent projects data fetches 30000 10000
fetch.delay.instances Pause in milliseconds between subsequent instances data fetches 5000 40000
fetch.delay.images Pause in milliseconds between subsequent images data fetches 30000 10000

The second important configuration file is /etc/perspective/<cloud_name>/clouds.xml. This file stores credentials to access cloud API.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<clouds xmlns="">

The following table describes each value:

Name Description
id Unique cloud identifier
name Human-readable cloud name, can be equal to id
endpoint Cloud API URL or some other endpoint
identity API username or a combination of project name and username
credential API password
enabled Whether worker should process this cloud (allows to temporary disable clouds)
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