Basic Commands - meridor/perspective-backend GitHub Wiki


A placeholder is a notation starting with dollar sign like $name or $date similar to how you declare variables in PHP or Bash. Placeholders are mostly used in bulk operations. For example you would like to create instance snapshots based on instance name:

my-instance-1 -> my-instance1_image
my-instance-2 -> my-instance2_image

In that case you can do bulk operation like that:

perspective> add images --name $name_image --instances my-instance-[12]

This works because in $name_image expression $name will be replaced by real instance name for each processed instance.

Projects Commands

Show projects

Shows a list of available projects. Can optionally filter projects by name.

perspective> show projects
perspective> show projects --name one,two,three

Show flavors

Shows available flavors optionally filtering by name, project name or cloud.

perspective> show flavors
perspective> show flavors --project test

Show keypairs

Shows available keypairs optionally filtering by name, project name or cloud.

perspective> show keypairs
perspective> show flavors --name my-keypair

Show networks

Shows available networks optionally filtering by name, project name or cloud.

perspective> show networks
perspective> show networks --name my-keypair

Instances Commands

Add instances

Adds one or more instances. Without arguments launches a step-by-step wizard:

perspective> add instances

This wizard will ask you some questions about instance name, flavor, network configuration or image and then generate respective arguments. You can also specify arguments manually:

perspective> add instances --project test-project --name my-vm-$number --flavor m1.small --image ^ubuntu-14.04$ --network ^my-network$ --range 1,3-5,7

This command will create 5 instances by replacing $number with 1, 3, 4, 5 and 7 respectively.

Show instances

Lists instances optionally filtering by name, state, flavor, image or project.

perspective> show instances
perspective> show instances --state error
perspective> show instances --name one,two --project test
perspective> show instances --image my-img --flavor m1.test

Show console

Shows instance console if such information is available.

perspective> show console vm-one,vm-two,test.*

An example console is shown below: /img/console.png


Reboots instance.

perspective> reboot test-instance,one-more-instance

Hard Reboot

Hard-reboots (resets) instance.

perspective> hard-reboot test-instance,one-more-instance
perspective> reboot my-vm --hard


Shuts instance down. The same as doing ACPI shutdown. In some clouds tries normal shutdown and after timeout does power off.

perspective> shutdown test-instance,one-more-instance


Starts previously shutdown instance.

perspective> start test-instance,one-more-instance


Pauses instance. Instance memory is still stored in hypervisor RAM.

perspective> pause test-instance,one-more-instance


Suspends (hibernates) instance. Instance memory is copied to disk.

perspective> suspend test-instance,one-more-instance


Activates previously suspended or paused instance.

perspective> resume test-instance,one-more-instance


Rebuilds instance, i.e. changes its image without recreating VM. Without arguments launches respective wizard:

perspective> rebuild

Manually typed command is like the following:

perspective> rebuild --project test-project --instances test-instance,one-more-instance --image new-image


Resize instance, i.e. modifies its flavor: number of VCPUS, memory and disk size. Without arguments launches respective wizard:

perspective> resize

Manually typed command is like the following:

perspective> resize --project test-project --instances test-instance,one-more-instance --flavor new-flavor


Change instance name. For some clouds this can lead to automatic hostname change. You may want to use $name or $date placeholders to consider current instance name or date in new name.

perspective> rename --instances test-instance,one-more-instance --name $name-new

Delete instances

Completely deletes one or more instances.

perspective> delete instances my-vm-[123]

Images Commands

Add images

Adds one or more images. Without arguments launches a step-by-step wizard similar to add instances command:

perspective> add images

You can also specify arguments manually:

perspective> add images --name $name-$date --instances test-.*

In this command $name placeholder will be replaced by instance name and $date by current date formatted using date_format setting.

Show images

Lists images optionally filtering by name, state or cloud.

perspective> show images --name my-image,one-more-image
perspective> show images --state saving

Delete images

Deletes one or more images.

perspective> delete images my-cool-image-.*,test-img-2

Misc Commands

Show settings

Shows a list of available settings.

perspective> show settings
perspective> show settings --all

Show filters

Shows a list of available filters.

perspective> show filters
perspective> show filters --all

Show mail

Shows a list of incoming letters.

perspective> show mail


Sets value for filter or setting. Value can optionally contain multiple comma separated strings.

perspective> set some_name = value1,value2,value3


Unsets previously set value for filter or setting.

perspective> unset some_name


Shows help information for specified command or a list of available commands.

perspective> help
perspective> help show projects


Shows shell version.

perspective> version