Home - mentoring-new-tech/web-development-101 GitHub Wiki

Welcome to the web-development-101 wiki!

Basic project to understand how to create an web app with Node.js, Angular and Cloudant NoSQL database.

Our solution is going to be a simple Inventory web app, that we are going to use to Create, Read, Update and Delete - CRUD - our suppliers and products. The main goal is the web development itself, so we're not going to focus in establish a relationship between suppliers and products or validate if a supplier or product is registered in our database already. This project is not production ready.


Server Side

Starting a Node.js project

Setting up an express server

Back end documentation

Cloudant database Setup

Suppliers routes development

Client Side

Angular first Setup

Install and Setup Bootstrap

Angular CLI Commands

HTML and CSS for all Suppliers Components

Suppliers service development

Creating a proxy

Integrate the Suppliers Service with the Suppliers components


Deploy your APP IBM Cloud (Cloud Foundry)