PyProcessingNotes - mens-amplio/config GitHub Wiki

On OS X 10.8, the PIP version of PyProcessing won't Just Work. Specifically, pyglet fails to load with an error message about not being able to use some quicktime library.

I was able to get the pip version to work by setting: defaults write Prefer-32-Bit -bool yes This will force python into 32-bit execution mode system wide.

if you're on a Mac and don't even have pip

installing pyprocessing on Mac OS X's stock python (e.g. doesn't have pip installed) (this is on a new-ish macbook running 10.8.2 Mountain Lion ~Jesse)

get a release of pyglet 1.2 (which is still in alpha as of June 2, 2013. This has the workaround for the 32/64 bit incompatibility) from

get a release of pyprocessing from

laptop:~$ tar xzvf ~/Downloads/pyglet-1.2alpha1.tar.gz
laptop:~$ cd pyglet-1.2alpha1
laptop:pyglet-1.2alpha1$ sudo python install
laptop:pyglet-1.2alpha1$ cd ..
laptop:~$ tar xzvf ~/Downloads/pyprocessing-
laptop:pyprocessing$ sudo python install
laptop:pyprocessing$ python examples/misc/

You should see a window with animated colors in it.