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Welcome to visit this page. It's very happy you are interested in JAVA. I have three questions for you:
- Which order is class load?(If exist static class modifier)
- How big is the range of int type?(If the value is bigger than its max value, what would it be?)
- Add abstract annotation to a method who do not belong to abstract class. Error?
I am writing some error cases to guide you to know more about JAVA Basis. This means it consists of many basic grammar. If you are familiar with it, please ignore these.
It suits for:
If you have learnt much about Java or you may have programmed for a long time, but you find you are fuzzy with some Java basic. You can choose to follow my error case. These will take you to know more.
- Type, Value, Variable
- Class
- Modifier
- Interface
- Arrays
- Exception
- Threads and Locks