Delivrables - melvinmajor/TodoList GitHub Wiki

Calendar and delivrables

Chosen subject

A PDF document which contains :

  • The composition of the group,
  • A description of the specifications of the project (client description),
  • The URL of the GitHub repository with an up-to-date Wiki.

Projet Java.pdf

UML diagram of the classes

A UML diagram of the model of the application, in PDF format.

TodoList UML.pdf

Implementation of the model

Each student of the group submit a complete class of the model package, totally specified and tested. The GitHub repository has to be update with the linked code.

-> Some contents aren't necessarily exactly those sent on the Virtual Campus. Some files were on branches which doesn't exist anymore. We used the commit history to find them.

Demo of the console view

Students have to make a demonstration of all possible interactions with the model from a console interface (commande line).

The demo of the console View has been realized with this version : v0.2 : Revisited and fully functional version of the CLI client.