Delivrables - melvinmajor/TodoList GitHub Wiki
Calendar and delivrables
Chosen subject
A PDF document which contains :
- The composition of the group,
- A description of the specifications of the project (client description),
- The URL of the GitHub repository with an up-to-date Wiki.
UML diagram of the classes
A UML diagram of the model of the application, in PDF format.
Implementation of the model
Each student of the group submit a complete class of the model package, totally specified and tested. The GitHub repository has to be update with the linked code.
-> Some contents aren't necessarily exactly those sent on the Virtual Campus. Some files were on branches which doesn't exist anymore. We used the commit history to find them.
- Melvin :
- Hubert :
- Maxime :
Demo of the console view
Students have to make a demonstration of all possible interactions with the model from a console interface (commande line).
The demo of the console View has been realized with this version : v0.2 : Revisited and fully functional version of the CLI client.