Troubleshooting - melkypie/resource-packs GitHub Wiki

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I create/edit my own resource pack? Can I change this UI element?

Please check out Creating your own resource pack.

Why did my pack change?!

The pack's creator likely pushed new changes to their pack. If you don't like the changes, feel free to join the discord and leave your feedback (or add an upvote to similar feedback) in the #feedback channel.

In the meantime, there are a lot of other packs on offer in the Resource packs hub, many that are likely similar to the pack you used to use.

The Resource packs hub/side bar is stuck on "Loading..."

  1. First uninstall the Resource packs plugin.
  2. Delete %userprofile%\.runelite\resource-packs-repository (copy and paste that into your File Explorer to find the folder quickly, for good measure delete the whole resource-packs-repository folder)
  3. Restart RuneLite then reinstall the plugin.

Hopefully that fixes the plugin. It's a somewhat common issue whenever the packs/runelite/plugin gets updated.

⚠️ If you also have a custom pack (or any folder that does not match what is on github) in the .runelite\resource-packs-repository folder, it can cause issues when the plugin tries to load installed packs into that folder. Sometimes users delete or modify an existing downloaded pack, and it can cause problems with the sidebar. The plugin overwrites what is in that folder with the latest revision whenever the client restarts.

My pack's tab icons are misaligned?

Disable the Interface Styles plugin, or set its Gameframe setting to Default. Then restart the Resource packs plugin.

You can use the Interface Styles plugin in tandem with packs from this plugin so you can use High Detail menu and/or Health Bars. Enable the Interface Styles plugin first (with your desired settings already ticked), then enable the Resource packs' plugin second.

My game UI is blacked out or has a weird color all over it!

Disable the Experimental options in the Resource packs plugin settings. There's a setting that's likely recolouring your chosen pack.

How do I make my transparent chatbox more opaque? How did this streamer got their transparent chatbox so dark?

Install the ChatboxOpacity plugin by Trevor; on the Plugin Hub. Most streamers have the setting cranked all the day down.

The Resource packs hub/sidebar disappeared! How do I hide the paintbrush icon in the sidebar?

Disable or enable the Hide side panel button in the plugin settings.

My mouse click is all weird!

The pack likely has a custom mouse click sprite. You can disable/enable this (and other stuff) in the plugin settings.

Why is the plugin not using the packs I installed?

Go into the Resource packs settings and set Use resource pack to Hub. Then restart the plugin.

Why are the (quest, collection log, settings etc.) tabs flickering?

The plugin is only compatible with RuneLite. Other clients will have major bugs with recent resource packs.

This sprite or UI element is not working! The plugin is not working as intended!

If you find a bug or have an issue with the plugin feel free to submit a new issue, or even make a pull request with the fix.

  • Guide on how to create a new issue
  • If the plugin is not working as intended, please share what plugin hub plugins you have installed and share other relevant installation information (your OS, whether you use RuneLite profiles, whether you edited packs, the time where you first started having issues etc.)

💡How to write helpful issues to get your sprite added sooner

  • Request one type of missing sprite per issue. For example, you can request a border to be added, but don't ask for a border and new spells to be added within the same issue. They should be separate issues so we can keep track of all your requests.
  • Provide screenshots of the location of the missing sprites(s). We can't use the Widget Inspector to get the SpriteID(s) if we don't know where the missing sprite is. Recently Jagex uses sprites that may be identical to other sprites, but they have completely different SpriteIDs.

Why is my pack not updated?

Go into the Resource packs hub and click "Update" on the relevant installed pack so the plugin can download the most current version of the pack. Restarting the client should also fix the issue.