Submitting a Resource pack to the Hub using commandline git - melkypie/resource-packs GitHub Wiki

Submitting your pack to resource packs hub (advanced)


  • Your pack must be around 25% original. If your pack doesn't satisfy the below conditions you are still free to share the pack (as a .zip) in #creations on discord.
    • ✅OK: Original colour scheme (not just another dark mode pack with some changed colour accents, but we will accept packs that are well-made recolours of the vanilla pack e.g. like Dark Vanilla or Pink Vanilla)
    • ✅OK: Original skill icons
    • ✅OK: Original tab stone icons
    • ✅OK: Original Gameframe style (like Pixelscape)
    • 🚫NOT OK: Just the chatbox or inventory background changed (i.e. your pack contains just a few unique files)
    • 🚫NOT OK: Packs that are just mix of other packs that are already available (you just edited someone else's work).
  • If you have taken any assets from other packs, please make sure the pack creator is fine with you using them in your pack.
  • ⚠️ Your pack should not contain any sprites that are not modified or any other files that are not required for the pack to work.
  • Know how to use git


⚠️ Please DO NOT neglect these first three steps. More often than not, new pack creators leave these details unchanged from the pack they yoinked and we have to manually change them. You can edit the, and in any text editor like Notepad or VS Code.

  1. Fill out your file and place it in the root folder (the folder which contains all your folders to sprites)
    • displayName - this is a human friendly name of your pack, that will be visible in the hub
    • compatibleVersion - version of plugin your pack is compatible with (this was its inteded use but we will accept the pack if you want to just use this as your own versioning system)
    • author - name of the pack creator
    • tags - these will be used when people search for packs to display your pack (your pack's name is already a tag, so no need to add it here)


  2. Make an icon.png file (dimensions are 224x147) in root folder

  3. Make a file in root folder (this file uses Markdown format to display text, the file will be visible when people click the ? on your pack.) This file should contain more in-depth information about your pack and some larger sized screenshots.

⚠️ If you edited a pack that was already uploaded to the hub, double check if your pack satisfies the prerequisites and then delete the related github files that may have been included when you downloaded the source pack.

  1. Fork the resource-packs project, make sure you untick Copy master branch only
  2. git clone your fork locally
  3. Switch to the pack-empty branch git checkout pack-empty
  4. Make your new pack's branch git checkout -b pack-my-new-pack where the new branch must be in the format of pack-<your-packs-name> and must be unique from all the other hub packs
  5. Copy all your pack's files (sprite folders and all the other stuff) to the directory where you cloned your fork
  6. Stage all of the files git add *
  7. Make a commit git commit -m "Initial commit" (The commit message can be anything you want)
  8. Push to your fork git push -u origin pack-my-new-pack
  9. Now you need to create pull request (A link to create a pull request will be shown in the terminal, if you use that skip to step 15)
  10. Go to and click New pull request
  11. Click on compare across forks in the text
  12. Select the head repository as your own fork and the compare as your pack's branch in your fork
  13. Select the base repository as melkypie/resource-packs and the base as pack-empty branch (We will create a new branch for you in the main repository after you submit your pull request and edit it in)
  14. Click on Create pull request and then write in any desired comments. When done click on Create pull request again.
  15. Now you wait until we review your pack.
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