3.3. Configurations - meldsolutions/Meld-Forums GitHub Wiki

Configurations are packaged sets of permissions that can be assigned to conferences and/or forums. All conferences/forums have at least one configuration assigned (the default configuration, which can be edited but not deleted).

Configurations "trickle down". When you assign a configuration to a conference, all forums in the conference will use that configuration (instead of the default). You can assign a configuration to a specific forum as well, which will override any configuration applied at the conference level.

Creating Configurations

As mentioned, the default configuration can be edited, but not deleted. To edit the default configuration, click on the pencil icon to the far right of the list.

To create a new configuration, you can duplicate any existing one (including the default). To create a new configuration, click the duplicate icon to the far right of the existing configuration you wish to copy.


  • Name: The name of the configuration
  • Description: A description of what the configuration does

Global Permissions

  • Closed/Archived: Users cannot create new threads or posts in this forum.
  • Read Access: The Mura User groups that are allowed to read conversations (threads) in the forum. By default all users can read content (no login is required for "Allow All")
  • Contribute Access: The Mura User groups that are allowed to create conversations (threads) and post replies in the forum. By default all users can create content (a login is always required)
  • Moderators: The Mura User groups that can moderate posts (i.e. edit the posts that other users have created). By default only Super Users can moderate content


  • Allow Avatars: Allow avatars to be uploaded by users
  • Allow Attachments: Allow users to post attachments
  • Allowed File Extensions: The file types that users are allows to upload as attachments
  • File Size Limit: The size limit of uploaded files
  • Inline Image Attachments: Allow images to be shown within the post itself (instead of a link to the image)
  • Image Width Limit: The maximum width an attached image can be. Larger images are resized.
  • Image Height Limit: The maximum height an attached image can be. Larger images are resized.