3.2. Settings - meldsolutions/Meld-Forums GitHub Wiki
Settings are site-wide and will affect all of your forums on that site.
When you click on the settings tab you will get an overview of the current settings for that site. You can click "edit" to change these settings.
- Conversations per page: the number of conversations (threads) displayed on a forum page
- Posts per page: the number of posts (messages) displayed on a conversation (thread) page
- Search Mode: The type of search that will be performed when a user searches the forums. Simple does a simple database search. Full text (currently only available in MySQL installs) does a more comprehensive full text search.
Global Permissions
- Global Moderators: these groups can moderate any forum content, regardless of settings in the configurations. They can also moderate users. By default this is Mura CMS Super Users only (i.e. "RestrictAll")
- File Size Limit: The file size limit for uploaded attachments
- Allowed file extensions: Global allowed file extensions. You can assign a subset of this list in configurations, but new ones cannot be added in configurations (in other words, this is the master list).
- Base temporary directory: Full physical directory path where temporary files will be stored (during upload). If blank, it uses a randomly generated folder name inside the directory assigned by the CFML engine.
- Reset temporary directory: Resets the random folder name, as per above
- Avatar resize: The method used to resize avatars. Best method is Crop then Resize
- Avatar quality: Image quality of resize
- Avatar aspect: Aspect ratio of resize. Max aspect will try and keep as much of the original image as possible, based upon height/width of original and resize height/width
- Avatar crop: As per Avatar aspect.
- Reset avatar: Resets (re-crops) all avatars. Recommended if you change themes where the theme avatars have a different height/width.
- Theme: The current theme